中学生奥运会英语词汇:Snatch 抓举
抓举(Snatch )是奥运会举重比赛方式。是一个快速连续不断地将杠铃从举重台提起到两臂在头上伸直的动作:两足左右分开站立,双手握杠上提,当杠铃提到与胸同高时身体下蹲,使身体位于杠铃下,双臂伸直支撑杠铃,两腿收回。
Snatch 抓举
snatch lift 抓举
snatch lift 抓举
repetition snatch 连续抓举
Snatch technique 抓举技术动作
high snatch 高抓举
Squat snatch 下蹲式抓举
kg in the snatch 抓举
Snatch With Clean Jerk 抓举和挺举
two hands snatch 两臂抓举
Wang lifted 92.5 kg in the snatch, then twice set records in the clean and jerk .
The snatch is technically more challenging than the clean and jerk . Snatch heavy weights takes a lot of skill.
Competing in the featherweight division, he broke the world record in both the snatch and the jerk, and won the gold medal by 30kg.
在汉城奥运会最轻量级比赛中,他打破抓举和挺举的世界 纪录,并以30公斤的优势夺冠,他的总成绩比轻量级冠军的成绩还要重。
抓举(Snatch )是奥运会举重比赛方式。是一个快速连续不断地将杠铃从举重台提起到两臂在头上伸直的动作:两足左右分开站立,双手握杠上提,当杠铃提到与胸同高时身体下蹲,使身体位于杠铃下,双臂伸直支撑杠铃,两腿收回。
Snatch 抓举
snatch lift 抓举
snatch lift 抓举
repetition snatch 连续抓举
Snatch technique 抓举技术动作
high snatch 高抓举
Squat snatch 下蹲式抓举
kg in the snatch 抓举
Snatch With Clean Jerk 抓举和挺举
two hands snatch 两臂抓举
Wang lifted 92.5 kg in the snatch, then twice set records in the clean and jerk .
The snatch is technically more challenging than the clean and jerk . Snatch heavy weights takes a lot of skill.
Competing in the featherweight division, he broke the world record in both the snatch and the jerk, and won the gold medal by 30kg.
在汉城奥运会最轻量级比赛中,他打破抓举和挺举的世界 纪录,并以30公斤的优势夺冠,他的总成绩比轻量级冠军的成绩还要重。