pedant: 学究式人物; one who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules
1) someone who shows off learning
pedant : learning
pedantic : learned
pedantic : scholarly
pedantic : scholar
insightful : pedant
pedantic: making an excessive display of learning
The graduate instructors tedious and excessive commentary on the subject soon gained her a reputation as a pedant.
The GSIs tedious and excessive commentary on the subject soon gained her a reputation as a pedant.
pedant : learning = dandy : preen
pedant : learning = dandy : dress
pedantic : scholar = histrionic : actor 学究的:学者=戏剧的:演员
pedant : learning = martinet : discipline 迂腐的人过分强调知识=严格的人过分强调纪律
pedant : learning = hack : writing 学究的动作是学习=雇佣文人的动作是写作
pedantic : learned = moralistic : principled 学究式的:有学问的=道学的:有原则的
scholarly : pedantic = modest : prudish 儒雅的:书呆的=谦虚的:假装正经
pedant: 学究式人物; one who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules
1) someone who shows off learning
pedant : learning
pedantic : learned
pedantic : scholarly
pedantic : scholar
insightful : pedant
pedantic: making an excessive display of learning
The graduate instructors tedious and excessive commentary on the subject soon gained her a reputation as a pedant.
The GSIs tedious and excessive commentary on the subject soon gained her a reputation as a pedant.
pedant : learning = dandy : preen
pedant : learning = dandy : dress
pedantic : scholar = histrionic : actor 学究的:学者=戏剧的:演员
pedant : learning = martinet : discipline 迂腐的人过分强调知识=严格的人过分强调纪律
pedant : learning = hack : writing 学究的动作是学习=雇佣文人的动作是写作
pedantic : learned = moralistic : principled 学究式的:有学问的=道学的:有原则的
scholarly : pedantic = modest : prudish 儒雅的:书呆的=谦虚的:假装正经