indolent: 懒惰的; lazy, disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy
1) lazy; inactive
2) disinclined to work or exertion
3) of tumors
4) habitually lazy or idle
Synonyms: idle, inactive, slothful, sluggish
indolent industrious, assiduous, stir, keenness btuse
indolent : yield
indolent : vivify
1. He was accused of being indolent when in truth he lacked energy because of illness.
2. If we find him goofing off one more time, we wont be able to escape the fact that hes indolent.
3. An indolent student slept all day.
indolent : stir = rectitude : transgression
indolent : shirk = miserly : hoard 懒惰的:偷懒 = 吝啬的:积聚钱财