8. The prospect of converting the worlds monetary system of metal coins and
printed paper into a computerized system of credits and debits is intriguing. Opponents
of the idea regard a digital economy as a dangerous step toward a totalitarian society in
which an elite class dominates an information-starved lower class. My view, however, is
that conversion to a digital economy has far-reaching economic and social virtues that
outweigh the potential risk of misuse by a political elite.
Supporters of the idea of digital cash view the move to a digital economy as the
next logical step toward a global system of free trade and competition. Herein lies the
main virtue of a digital economy. In facilitating trade among nations, consumers
worldwide would enjoying a broader range of goods at more competitive prices.
In addition, a digital economy would afford customers added convenience, while
at the same time saving money for businesses. Making purchases with electronic
currency would be simple, fast, and secure. There would be no need to carry cash and
no need for cashiers to collect it. A good example of the convenience and savings
afforded by such a system is the pay and go gasoline pump used at many service
stations today, Using these pumps saves time for the customer and saves money for the
A third benefit of such a system is its potential to eliminate illegal monetary
transactions. Traffickers of illegal arms and drugs, dealers in black-market contraband,
and counterfeiters all rely on tangible currency to conduct their activities. By
eliminating hard currency, illegal transactions such as these would be much easier to
track and record. As a result, illegal monetary transactions could be virtually eliminated.
A related benefit would be the ability to thwart tax evasion by collecting tax revenues
on transactions that otherwise would not be recorded.
To sum up, I think it would be a good idea to convert current monetary systems
into a system of electronic accounts. The economic benefits, convenience and savings
afforded by such a system, along with the potential to reduce crime, far outweigh the
remote boss ??? at a significant social or political shift toward totalitarianism.
8. The prospect of converting the worlds monetary system of metal coins and
printed paper into a computerized system of credits and debits is intriguing. Opponents
of the idea regard a digital economy as a dangerous step toward a totalitarian society in
which an elite class dominates an information-starved lower class. My view, however, is
that conversion to a digital economy has far-reaching economic and social virtues that
outweigh the potential risk of misuse by a political elite.
Supporters of the idea of digital cash view the move to a digital economy as the
next logical step toward a global system of free trade and competition. Herein lies the
main virtue of a digital economy. In facilitating trade among nations, consumers
worldwide would enjoying a broader range of goods at more competitive prices.
In addition, a digital economy would afford customers added convenience, while
at the same time saving money for businesses. Making purchases with electronic
currency would be simple, fast, and secure. There would be no need to carry cash and
no need for cashiers to collect it. A good example of the convenience and savings
afforded by such a system is the pay and go gasoline pump used at many service
stations today, Using these pumps saves time for the customer and saves money for the
A third benefit of such a system is its potential to eliminate illegal monetary
transactions. Traffickers of illegal arms and drugs, dealers in black-market contraband,
and counterfeiters all rely on tangible currency to conduct their activities. By
eliminating hard currency, illegal transactions such as these would be much easier to
track and record. As a result, illegal monetary transactions could be virtually eliminated.
A related benefit would be the ability to thwart tax evasion by collecting tax revenues
on transactions that otherwise would not be recorded.
To sum up, I think it would be a good idea to convert current monetary systems
into a system of electronic accounts. The economic benefits, convenience and savings
afforded by such a system, along with the potential to reduce crime, far outweigh the
remote boss ??? at a significant social or political shift toward totalitarianism.