16. The extent to which new public buildings reflect societal values and attitudes
depends on whether one considers a buildings intended function or its design. In the
former sense, new public buildings do mirror society, while in the latter sense they do
The intended uses of new public buildings say something about our priorities and
values as a society. For example, proliferation of public cultural centers and schools
reflects a societal concern for the arts and education, respectively, while new prison
construction indicates a heightened concern for safety and security.
The design of new public buildings, however, fails to mirror society, for two
reasons. First, modern democratic states do not have the luxury of making cultural
statements at any expense. Functionality and fiscal accountability dictate the face of
public architecture today. Second, public participation in the process is limited. New
buildings typically reflect the architects eccentric vision or the preference of a few
public officials, not the populaces values and attitudes. In England, for example, Prince
Charles oversees and approves the design of new public buildings. The resulting
conventional designs suggest his unwillingness to break from tradition. Yet it would
seem unfair to assign his lack of vision to English society. In Denver, the controversial
design of a new airport met with public outcry for its appearance, expense, and lack of
functionality. Does the airport reflect the values of Denvers denizens? Probably not.
in conclusion, while modern public buildings seem to reflect the values and
attitudes of a society in their function, they do not necessarily do so in their design.
16. The extent to which new public buildings reflect societal values and attitudes
depends on whether one considers a buildings intended function or its design. In the
former sense, new public buildings do mirror society, while in the latter sense they do
The intended uses of new public buildings say something about our priorities and
values as a society. For example, proliferation of public cultural centers and schools
reflects a societal concern for the arts and education, respectively, while new prison
construction indicates a heightened concern for safety and security.
The design of new public buildings, however, fails to mirror society, for two
reasons. First, modern democratic states do not have the luxury of making cultural
statements at any expense. Functionality and fiscal accountability dictate the face of
public architecture today. Second, public participation in the process is limited. New
buildings typically reflect the architects eccentric vision or the preference of a few
public officials, not the populaces values and attitudes. In England, for example, Prince
Charles oversees and approves the design of new public buildings. The resulting
conventional designs suggest his unwillingness to break from tradition. Yet it would
seem unfair to assign his lack of vision to English society. In Denver, the controversial
design of a new airport met with public outcry for its appearance, expense, and lack of
functionality. Does the airport reflect the values of Denvers denizens? Probably not.
in conclusion, while modern public buildings seem to reflect the values and
attitudes of a society in their function, they do not necessarily do so in their design.