Global investors are buying into the booming Asian local-currency bond market, seeking out the high yields being offered from Indonesia to Sri Lanka and betting on currency appreciation, too.
The debt is attracting international money managers, such as BlackRock Inc., keen to improve their returns and diversify their portfolios.
亚洲本币债券正在吸引贝莱德(BlackRock Inc.)等迫切希望提高投资回报、实现投资对象多样化的跨国性资产管理公司。
Asian corporate bonds in the J.P. Morgan Asia Credit Index yield some 2 percentage points more than bonds issued in developed Western countries, analysts say. While the index measures dollar-denominated debt, investors say it also is a good gauge for local-currency markets.
分析师称,摩根大通亚洲信贷指数(J.P. Morgan Asia Credit Index)所涵盖的亚洲公司债,其收益率比西方发达国家发行的债券高约两个百分点。虽然该指数衡量的是美元计价债券,但投资者说它也是衡量本币债券市场的一项可靠指标。
The increased demand from foreign investors has helped push issuance to a record high, as both companies and governments take advantage of the greater appetite. Sales of local-currency bonds in Asia, excluding Japan, have reached $520.9 billion this year, compared with the previous record of $482.0 billion in 2011, according to data provider Dealogic.
Of the deals this year, $444.6 billion were for corporate bonds. The vast majority of those were investment grade, rated above BB+ or the equivalent. Some 7%, or $37.5 billion, were for sovereign debt and the rest were for government-backed agencies.
About 60% of a 1.5 billion yuan ($238.6 million) bond sold by China Development Bank in Hong Kong in July went to investors outside Asia, according to people familiar with the deal.
据知情人士说,中国国家开发银行(China Development Bank)今年七月在香港发行的人民币15亿元(约合2.386亿美元)债券中,约有60%被非亚洲投资者买走。
In Indonesia, more than a third of a 271 billion rupiah ($28.3 million) deal sold by automotive sales company PT Indomobil Wahana Trade went to foreign investors, according to underwriters. This compares with participation rates in the single digits for bonds sold earlier in the year.
据承销商透露,在印度尼西亚,汽车销售商PT Indomobil Wahana Trade发行的2,710亿印尼盾(约合2,830万美元)债券中,超过三分之一被外国投资者买走。这和今年早些时候发行的债券只有个位数的参与率形成鲜明对比。
'Now we are actually seeing a lot of funds in Europe and in the U.S. looking to participate in Asian currencies and credits,' says James Fielder, HSBC's head of local currency syndicate for Asia.
汇丰(HSBC)亚洲本币债券承销团业务主管菲尔德(James Fielder)说,现在我们确实看到欧美有大量资金希望参与到亚洲汇市和债市中来。
Eric Stein, global fixed-income portfolio manager at Eaton Vance EV +0.82% Investment Managers which has $198.2 billion of assets under management, says he recently bought Sri Lankan sovereign debt, mostly due to the high yields and prospects for currency appreciation.
投资管理机构Eaton Vance的全球固定收益投资组合经理斯坦因(Eric Stein)说,他最近买入了斯里兰卡主权债,主要是看好其高收益以及货币升值的前景。Eaton Vance管理的资产规模达1,982亿美元。
Yields on even short-term debt are in the double digits.
'It's a good reform story,' Mr. Stein says. 'It's not a perfect country, but in a world of very low yields, it's certainly an attractive place to invest.'
After decades of civil war, Sri Lanka's economy has been on a road to recovery, and is expected to rise about 8% this year.
In the past, Eaton Vance had mostly protected itself against movements in the Sri Lankan rupee, but over recent months it decided to boost its exposure to the currency. Many analysts believe the currency will appreciate thanks the remittances by nonresident Sri Lankans and rising tourism revenues, further bolstering returns on the bonds.
过去,为了避免斯里兰卡卢比币值波动带来的风险,Eaton Vance多数时候对这一币种的投资规模并不大。但在最近几个月它决定提高对斯里兰卡卢比的风险敞口。许多分析师认为,得益于非斯里兰卡居民的汇款以及该国旅游业收入的上升,斯里兰卡卢比将会升值,并进一步提高该国债券的回报率。
The move to issue more local-currency bonds, in addition to dollar-denominated debt, is a boon for Asian companies, which have been trying to diversify their funding sources as bank loans have become scarcer and more expensive. Some of the region's governments, keen to reduce foreign exchange risk, have also increasingly moved to fund their deficits domestically by selling this type of debt.
BlackRock is buying Indian local-currency government bonds and high-quality corporate debt, said Neeraj Seth, managing director and head of Asian credit for the asset management firm, which manages US$3.67 trillion.
贝莱德董事总经理兼亚洲信贷主管赛斯(Neeraj Seth)说,贝莱德正在买入印度发行的以本国货币计价的政府债以及高质量公司债。贝莱德管理的资产规模达3.67万亿美元。
Many emerging-market investors still prefer to hold the bulk of their portfolio in dollar-denominated debt because policies on currency controls can change quickly. Earlier this summer, Indonesia's central bank restricted the availability of dollars, effectively blocking investors from taking their money out of the country.
Despite the potential for high returns, some investors are concerned that the risks may not be worth the possible rewards.
Some individual investors are borrowing heavily to buy these local-currency bonds, says Gary Dugan, chief investment officer for Asia and the Middle East at wealth manager Coutts & Co.
财富管理公司Coutts & Co.亚洲及中东首席投资长杜根(Gary Dugan)说,一些个人投资者为购买这些本币债券而大量举债。
If bond prices start to fall, the unwinding of these leveraged bets could have a snowball effect on the market. Mr. Dugan warns that Asian bond prices could weaken by 10% to 12% if the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury were to rise by 1 to 1.5 percentage point. Bond prices move inversely to yield.
'If things were to crack, what tends to happen is that liquidity dries up. And it's going to dry up in local currency a lot quicker than dollar bonds,' Mr. Dugan says.
Global investors are buying into the booming Asian local-currency bond market, seeking out the high yields being offered from Indonesia to Sri Lanka and betting on currency appreciation, too.
The debt is attracting international money managers, such as BlackRock Inc., keen to improve their returns and diversify their portfolios.
亚洲本币债券正在吸引贝莱德(BlackRock Inc.)等迫切希望提高投资回报、实现投资对象多样化的跨国性资产管理公司。
Asian corporate bonds in the J.P. Morgan Asia Credit Index yield some 2 percentage points more than bonds issued in developed Western countries, analysts say. While the index measures dollar-denominated debt, investors say it also is a good gauge for local-currency markets.
分析师称,摩根大通亚洲信贷指数(J.P. Morgan Asia Credit Index)所涵盖的亚洲公司债,其收益率比西方发达国家发行的债券高约两个百分点。虽然该指数衡量的是美元计价债券,但投资者说它也是衡量本币债券市场的一项可靠指标。
The increased demand from foreign investors has helped push issuance to a record high, as both companies and governments take advantage of the greater appetite. Sales of local-currency bonds in Asia, excluding Japan, have reached $520.9 billion this year, compared with the previous record of $482.0 billion in 2011, according to data provider Dealogic.
Of the deals this year, $444.6 billion were for corporate bonds. The vast majority of those were investment grade, rated above BB+ or the equivalent. Some 7%, or $37.5 billion, were for sovereign debt and the rest were for government-backed agencies.
About 60% of a 1.5 billion yuan ($238.6 million) bond sold by China Development Bank in Hong Kong in July went to investors outside Asia, according to people familiar with the deal.
据知情人士说,中国国家开发银行(China Development Bank)今年七月在香港发行的人民币15亿元(约合2.386亿美元)债券中,约有60%被非亚洲投资者买走。
In Indonesia, more than a third of a 271 billion rupiah ($28.3 million) deal sold by automotive sales company PT Indomobil Wahana Trade went to foreign investors, according to underwriters. This compares with participation rates in the single digits for bonds sold earlier in the year.
据承销商透露,在印度尼西亚,汽车销售商PT Indomobil Wahana Trade发行的2,710亿印尼盾(约合2,830万美元)债券中,超过三分之一被外国投资者买走。这和今年早些时候发行的债券只有个位数的参与率形成鲜明对比。
'Now we are actually seeing a lot of funds in Europe and in the U.S. looking to participate in Asian currencies and credits,' says James Fielder, HSBC's head of local currency syndicate for Asia.
汇丰(HSBC)亚洲本币债券承销团业务主管菲尔德(James Fielder)说,现在我们确实看到欧美有大量资金希望参与到亚洲汇市和债市中来。
Eric Stein, global fixed-income portfolio manager at Eaton Vance EV +0.82% Investment Managers which has $198.2 billion of assets under management, says he recently bought Sri Lankan sovereign debt, mostly due to the high yields and prospects for currency appreciation.
投资管理机构Eaton Vance的全球固定收益投资组合经理斯坦因(Eric Stein)说,他最近买入了斯里兰卡主权债,主要是看好其高收益以及货币升值的前景。Eaton Vance管理的资产规模达1,982亿美元。
Yields on even short-term debt are in the double digits.
'It's a good reform story,' Mr. Stein says. 'It's not a perfect country, but in a world of very low yields, it's certainly an attractive place to invest.'
After decades of civil war, Sri Lanka's economy has been on a road to recovery, and is expected to rise about 8% this year.
In the past, Eaton Vance had mostly protected itself against movements in the Sri Lankan rupee, but over recent months it decided to boost its exposure to the currency. Many analysts believe the currency will appreciate thanks the remittances by nonresident Sri Lankans and rising tourism revenues, further bolstering returns on the bonds.
过去,为了避免斯里兰卡卢比币值波动带来的风险,Eaton Vance多数时候对这一币种的投资规模并不大。但在最近几个月它决定提高对斯里兰卡卢比的风险敞口。许多分析师认为,得益于非斯里兰卡居民的汇款以及该国旅游业收入的上升,斯里兰卡卢比将会升值,并进一步提高该国债券的回报率。
The move to issue more local-currency bonds, in addition to dollar-denominated debt, is a boon for Asian companies, which have been trying to diversify their funding sources as bank loans have become scarcer and more expensive. Some of the region's governments, keen to reduce foreign exchange risk, have also increasingly moved to fund their deficits domestically by selling this type of debt.
BlackRock is buying Indian local-currency government bonds and high-quality corporate debt, said Neeraj Seth, managing director and head of Asian credit for the asset management firm, which manages US$3.67 trillion.
贝莱德董事总经理兼亚洲信贷主管赛斯(Neeraj Seth)说,贝莱德正在买入印度发行的以本国货币计价的政府债以及高质量公司债。贝莱德管理的资产规模达3.67万亿美元。
Many emerging-market investors still prefer to hold the bulk of their portfolio in dollar-denominated debt because policies on currency controls can change quickly. Earlier this summer, Indonesia's central bank restricted the availability of dollars, effectively blocking investors from taking their money out of the country.
Despite the potential for high returns, some investors are concerned that the risks may not be worth the possible rewards.
Some individual investors are borrowing heavily to buy these local-currency bonds, says Gary Dugan, chief investment officer for Asia and the Middle East at wealth manager Coutts & Co.
财富管理公司Coutts & Co.亚洲及中东首席投资长杜根(Gary Dugan)说,一些个人投资者为购买这些本币债券而大量举债。
If bond prices start to fall, the unwinding of these leveraged bets could have a snowball effect on the market. Mr. Dugan warns that Asian bond prices could weaken by 10% to 12% if the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury were to rise by 1 to 1.5 percentage point. Bond prices move inversely to yield.
'If things were to crack, what tends to happen is that liquidity dries up. And it's going to dry up in local currency a lot quicker than dollar bonds,' Mr. Dugan says.