At Tampa's MacDill Air Force Base, a few miles from the waterfront mansion shared by Jill Kelley and her husband, there is no formal job of volunteer social planner.
在佛罗里达州坦帕的麦克迪尔空军基地(MacDill Air Force Base),并没有志愿社交活动组织者这一正式工作。该基地距离吉尔·凯利(Jill Kelley)和丈夫居住的水岸大宅有几英里远。
Yet Ms. Kelley carved out that role for herself, one way the couple became fixtures of the Tampa social scene, throwing charity soirees and mixing with city and military dignitaries, current and former defense officials said. At MacDill, she started by organizing parties for the collection of liaison officers from Middle Eastern and central Asian countries, as well as countries fighting in Afghanistan, before moving on to charity events, according to the officials.
The officials said top generals at the military's Central Command, based at MacDill, believed it was important to maintain good relations with the Tampa community. Many senior officers thought attending parties at the home of Ms. Kelley and her husband, Scott, was an important part of ensuring the military was seen as a good citizen.
That activity has now put Ms. Kelley, a 37-year-old who grew up in the Philadelphia area, at the center of a scandal that has ensnared David Petraeus, who resigned as Central Intelligence Agency director last week, and now Marine Gen. John Allen, leader of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.
这些活动使37岁的凯利如今成为了一桩丑闻的焦点人物。这起丑闻迫使美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)局长大卫·彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus)上周辞职,如今又使驻阿富汗美军司令、海军陆战队上将约翰·艾伦(John Allen)陷入困境。凯利在费城地区长大。
The Defense Department said Tuesday it was investigating between 20,000 and 30,000 pages of emails between Ms. Kelley and Gen. Allen. But Defense officials say they believe the page count is inflated by multiple copies being included as replies piled up on replies in various email chains. Those documents had been uncovered in a separate Federal Bureau of Investigation probe prompted by Ms. Kelley's complaint about potential email stalking. In that probe, investigators concluded that the sender of the emails was Paula Broadwell, Mr. Petraeus's biographer, with whom he was having an extramarital affair, according to U.S. officials briefed on the probe.
美国国防部周二说,该部正在对凯利与艾伦之间两万至三万页的电子邮件进行调查。但国防部官员说,他们认为页数水分很大,因为两人回复对方电子邮件时都附有原文及之前的所有回复,这样有些内容被重复计算了多次。这些文件是在美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)发起的另外一项调查中发现的。这项调查的起因是凯利抱怨说可能受到了电子邮件骚扰。据听取了调查报告的美国官员说,在FBI的调查中,调查人员得出的结论是,电子邮件的发件者是葆拉·布洛德威尔(Paula Broadwell)。布洛德威尔是彼得雷乌斯的传记作者,两人有婚外情。
The White House on Tuesday said President Barack Obama put on hold Gen. Allen's nomination to lead U.S. forces in Europe, while keeping him in charge of the Afghan war.
白宫周二说,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)暂缓提名由艾伦指挥驻欧洲美军部队,但让他继续担任驻阿富汗美军司令。
The Kelleys haven't commented on the Allen investigation, and efforts to reach them were unsuccessful. Their only public statement since the scandal became public asked for privacy and said they were friends 'with General Petraeus and his family for five years.'
On Tuesday, a woman who appeared to be Ms. Kelley, dressed in a bright pink dress, sat in a corner room of the house on the ground floor, watching the news on TV. Outside, a crowd of photographers snapped away.
Aaron Fodiman, publisher of Tampa Bay Magazine, who said he knows the couple well, said they regularly throw parties at their home overlooking Hillsborough Bay. He has attended gatherings for a medical association celebrating the anniversary of the first use of anesthetics and another for the Gasparilla Parade, a pirate-themed festival that is the city's version of Mardi Gras. Mr. Petraeus and his wife, Holly, were photographed with the Kelleys at a Gasparilla party at the couple's home in 2010.
坦帕当地杂志《Tampa Bay Magazine》的发行人弗迪曼(Aaron Fodiman)自称跟凯利夫妇很熟。他说,他们常常在自己能够俯瞰希尔斯伯勒湾(Hillsborough Bay)的家里举办聚会。他曾参加过一个医疗协会庆祝首次使用麻醉剂纪念日的聚会,还参加过加斯帕里拉海盗节(Gasparilla Parade)聚会。加斯帕里拉海盗节是坦帕市一个以海盗为主题的节日,类似于Mardi Gras狂欢节。有人拍到在2010年凯利家举办的加斯帕里拉海盗节聚会上,彼得雷乌斯和太太霍利与凯利夫妇在一起。
Parties at the Kelleys' home are 'all wonderfully catered,' Mr. Fodiman said.Dr. Kelley is a cancer surgeon at the Watson Clinic in Lakeland, Fla.
弗迪曼说,凯利家的聚会餐饮都很丰盛。凯利先生是佛罗里达州莱克兰沃森诊所(Watson Clinic)的一名癌症外科医生。
Middle Eastern diplomats in Washington also knew Ms. Kelley, who came from a Lebanese immigrant family and who helped arrange social activities for dignitaries from the region when they visited the base in Tampa, diplomats said. She also sometimes attended parties at embassies in Washington.
Ms. Kelley used her connections with senior generals at Central Command to secure briefings at Centcom for visiting foreign journalists and others who knew her, officials said. The briefings, the officials said, were routine but could be time consuming.
Mr. Fodiman said the couple's social circle is shocked by the revelations, adding that 'everybody is absolutely sure that there is nothing to this' latest disclosure about Gen. Allen.
Mr. Fodiman said he regularly saw Mr. Petraeus at functions around town, though he doesn't specifically recall seeing him at the Kelleys' home. The military and civilian communities mingle regularly, he said. 'We probably have no less than 20 charities that do nothing but support' the military, he said.
At Tampa's MacDill Air Force Base, a few miles from the waterfront mansion shared by Jill Kelley and her husband, there is no formal job of volunteer social planner.
在佛罗里达州坦帕的麦克迪尔空军基地(MacDill Air Force Base),并没有志愿社交活动组织者这一正式工作。该基地距离吉尔·凯利(Jill Kelley)和丈夫居住的水岸大宅有几英里远。
Yet Ms. Kelley carved out that role for herself, one way the couple became fixtures of the Tampa social scene, throwing charity soirees and mixing with city and military dignitaries, current and former defense officials said. At MacDill, she started by organizing parties for the collection of liaison officers from Middle Eastern and central Asian countries, as well as countries fighting in Afghanistan, before moving on to charity events, according to the officials.
The officials said top generals at the military's Central Command, based at MacDill, believed it was important to maintain good relations with the Tampa community. Many senior officers thought attending parties at the home of Ms. Kelley and her husband, Scott, was an important part of ensuring the military was seen as a good citizen.
That activity has now put Ms. Kelley, a 37-year-old who grew up in the Philadelphia area, at the center of a scandal that has ensnared David Petraeus, who resigned as Central Intelligence Agency director last week, and now Marine Gen. John Allen, leader of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.
这些活动使37岁的凯利如今成为了一桩丑闻的焦点人物。这起丑闻迫使美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)局长大卫·彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus)上周辞职,如今又使驻阿富汗美军司令、海军陆战队上将约翰·艾伦(John Allen)陷入困境。凯利在费城地区长大。
The Defense Department said Tuesday it was investigating between 20,000 and 30,000 pages of emails between Ms. Kelley and Gen. Allen. But Defense officials say they believe the page count is inflated by multiple copies being included as replies piled up on replies in various email chains. Those documents had been uncovered in a separate Federal Bureau of Investigation probe prompted by Ms. Kelley's complaint about potential email stalking. In that probe, investigators concluded that the sender of the emails was Paula Broadwell, Mr. Petraeus's biographer, with whom he was having an extramarital affair, according to U.S. officials briefed on the probe.
美国国防部周二说,该部正在对凯利与艾伦之间两万至三万页的电子邮件进行调查。但国防部官员说,他们认为页数水分很大,因为两人回复对方电子邮件时都附有原文及之前的所有回复,这样有些内容被重复计算了多次。这些文件是在美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)发起的另外一项调查中发现的。这项调查的起因是凯利抱怨说可能受到了电子邮件骚扰。据听取了调查报告的美国官员说,在FBI的调查中,调查人员得出的结论是,电子邮件的发件者是葆拉·布洛德威尔(Paula Broadwell)。布洛德威尔是彼得雷乌斯的传记作者,两人有婚外情。
The White House on Tuesday said President Barack Obama put on hold Gen. Allen's nomination to lead U.S. forces in Europe, while keeping him in charge of the Afghan war.
白宫周二说,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)暂缓提名由艾伦指挥驻欧洲美军部队,但让他继续担任驻阿富汗美军司令。
The Kelleys haven't commented on the Allen investigation, and efforts to reach them were unsuccessful. Their only public statement since the scandal became public asked for privacy and said they were friends 'with General Petraeus and his family for five years.'
On Tuesday, a woman who appeared to be Ms. Kelley, dressed in a bright pink dress, sat in a corner room of the house on the ground floor, watching the news on TV. Outside, a crowd of photographers snapped away.
Aaron Fodiman, publisher of Tampa Bay Magazine, who said he knows the couple well, said they regularly throw parties at their home overlooking Hillsborough Bay. He has attended gatherings for a medical association celebrating the anniversary of the first use of anesthetics and another for the Gasparilla Parade, a pirate-themed festival that is the city's version of Mardi Gras. Mr. Petraeus and his wife, Holly, were photographed with the Kelleys at a Gasparilla party at the couple's home in 2010.
坦帕当地杂志《Tampa Bay Magazine》的发行人弗迪曼(Aaron Fodiman)自称跟凯利夫妇很熟。他说,他们常常在自己能够俯瞰希尔斯伯勒湾(Hillsborough Bay)的家里举办聚会。他曾参加过一个医疗协会庆祝首次使用麻醉剂纪念日的聚会,还参加过加斯帕里拉海盗节(Gasparilla Parade)聚会。加斯帕里拉海盗节是坦帕市一个以海盗为主题的节日,类似于Mardi Gras狂欢节。有人拍到在2010年凯利家举办的加斯帕里拉海盗节聚会上,彼得雷乌斯和太太霍利与凯利夫妇在一起。
Parties at the Kelleys' home are 'all wonderfully catered,' Mr. Fodiman said.Dr. Kelley is a cancer surgeon at the Watson Clinic in Lakeland, Fla.
弗迪曼说,凯利家的聚会餐饮都很丰盛。凯利先生是佛罗里达州莱克兰沃森诊所(Watson Clinic)的一名癌症外科医生。
Middle Eastern diplomats in Washington also knew Ms. Kelley, who came from a Lebanese immigrant family and who helped arrange social activities for dignitaries from the region when they visited the base in Tampa, diplomats said. She also sometimes attended parties at embassies in Washington.
Ms. Kelley used her connections with senior generals at Central Command to secure briefings at Centcom for visiting foreign journalists and others who knew her, officials said. The briefings, the officials said, were routine but could be time consuming.
Mr. Fodiman said the couple's social circle is shocked by the revelations, adding that 'everybody is absolutely sure that there is nothing to this' latest disclosure about Gen. Allen.
Mr. Fodiman said he regularly saw Mr. Petraeus at functions around town, though he doesn't specifically recall seeing him at the Kelleys' home. The military and civilian communities mingle regularly, he said. 'We probably have no less than 20 charities that do nothing but support' the military, he said.