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The CastIn alphabetical order, with translations of the names where applicable:Banzai [Skulk, Lurk] : Most quick-tempered of the Hyenas. Best withcomebacks. Offsets Shenzi and Ed quite well.(Cheech Marin)Ed : The stupidest Hyena. Has a Bill the Cat stare.Noted by warts on the tongue. Too stupid or slow to lie at theright time.(Jim Cummings)Kiara : Simba’s and Nala’s cub. She completes the Circle.Mufasa : Current King of the Pride Lands. Well-built lion. Thick mane.Brown eyes. Biiig kitty. Father of Simba. Elder brother of Scar.(James Earl Jones)Nala : Friend and companion of Simba. She can pin Simba in a fight. Asan adult she and Simba fall in love, prolonging a tradition theyhad refused as cubs.(Niketa Calame / Moira Kelly)(Singing: Laura Williams / Kristle Edwards)Pumbaa [Simpleton] : A well-padded warthog and friend of Timon. Alittle slow, but when he catches on, it’s surprising what hecan do. Has a flatulence problem.(Ernie Sabella)Rafiki [Friend] : A mandrill whose role is of a mystical shaman.Outwardly he appears to be crazy, but in reality he is very wise.(Robert Guillaume)Sarabi [Mirage] : Mother of Simba. Wife of Mufasa. Leader of thelionesses.(Madge Sinclair)Sarafina : Nala’s mother. Friend of Sarabi.(Zoe Leader)Scar : Younger brother of Mufasa. Uncle of Simba. Well-chiseled,bony features. Flat black matted mane. Aspires to be King ofPride Rock by deceit, due to his thin size and weak stature.His claws are always partly extended. Has a vertical scar acrosshis right eye that presumably accounts for his name.(Jeremy Irons)Shenzi [Uncouth] : Female of the Hyena trio. Major attitude. Probablythe smartest and deals the best with Scar. Most even temper.(Whoopi Goldberg)Simba [Lion] : The cub of Mufasa. Soon to be King of Pride Rock.Initially a cub, later an adult. Brown eyes. As an adult, he’snot as well-built as his father was, presumably from growing upon a diet of insects… Friend of Pumbaa and Timon.(Jonathan Taylor Thomas / Matthew Broderick)(Singing: Jason Weaver / Joseph Williams)Timon : An outcast meerkat; a friend of Pumbaa. Very self-reliant,quite a fast talker (like a used car salesman). Stands about 6″ tall.(Nathan Lane)Zazu : The King’s loyal servant. A hornbill, which is a large-beaked bird.(Rowan Atkinson)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The Script{Open, black screen}{Start nature sound effects}{Cue Castle screen}{Fade to black}{Cue lion roar in the background, calling the animals to gatherto Pride Rock for the Ceremony.}[THE CIRCLE OF LIFE][ MS: Male SingerBS: Background SingerFS: Female Singer (lead) ]{Sunrise on African grassland (lightly treed), in time withopening chant to The Circle of Life}MS: Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father]BS: Sithi uhm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion]{Various shots of animals raising their heads at the sunrise:rhinos, antelope, a cheetah, meerkats, storks…}MS: Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father]BS: Sithi uhhmm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion]IngonyamaMS: Siyo Nqoba [We're going to conquer]BS: IngonyamaIngonyama nengw’ enamabala [A lion and a leopard come to this open place]{repeats 5}Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala (Se-to-kwa!)Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala (Asana){repeats 1}{The Circle of Life ground forms in the BS’s and holds itspattern for eight bars. It is a non-chordal BS part. Theprogressions are in the medium ranges of the strings.Various pans and camera views of African animals, allmoving. Coinciding with the FS pickup in the eighth bar,we first view the giraffes, panning to a long shot of allthe animals in their procession}[The Circle of life text]FS: From the day we arrive on the planetAnd, blinking, step into the sunThere’s more to see than can ever be seenMore to do than can ever be done{Camera is panning and jumping to elephants, zebras, ants,birds, storks, etc… }There’s far too much to take in hereMore to find than can ever be foundBut the sun rolling highThrough the sapphire skyKeeps great and small on the endless round{When the “The Circle of Life” is mentioned the long-distance pan centers on Pride Rock where all the animalsare gathering. Mufasa is on Pride Rock. Long camera arc toMufasa and Zazu.}It’s the Circle of LifeAnd it moves us all{Zazu bows to Mufasa, who smiles and nods at him}Through despair and hopeThrough faith and love{Appearance of Rafiki, the mandrill. He passes betweenranks of animals, who bow to him; he then climbs Pride Rockto where Mufasa is standing.}Till we find our placeOn the path unwinding{Rafiki and Mufasa embrace.}In the CircleThe Circle of Life{Decrescendo in BS. FS drops out. Pan Flute takes simplelead.}{Mufasa leads Rafiki over to Sarabi, who is holding Simba}{Rafiki puts the juice and sand he collects on Simba’sbrow– a ceremonial crown. He then picks Simba up andascends to the point of Pride Rock. Mufasa and Sarabifollow. With a crescendo in the music and a restatement ofthe refrain, Rafiki holds Simba up for the crowd to view.}FS: It’s The Circle of Life{The crowd starts howling, stamping, etc… }And it moves us allThrough despair and hopeThrough faith and love{The clouds part and a sunbeam highlights Rafiki and Simbaon Pride Rock.}Till we find our place{The crowd bows down, one by one.}On the path unwinding{Camera slowly zooms out to a striking panoramic viewof the Presentation.}In the CircleThe Circle of Life{Bass drum hit (fff) and immediate switch to black screenwith title “The Lion King” in blood-red caps.}[Mouse / Challenge Scene]{Cue mouse sounds}{Visual fade into mouse in cave}{Mouse comes out and starts preening in the light. Beginssniffing. Becomes frightened. Suddenly a large lion pawswoops down and catches him.}{Cue the Scar theme (dissonant, slow, reed theme). Fade inslowly and up full during speech}{Camera switch to Scar holding the squeaking andstruggling mouse in his paw. He talks to it while playingwith it}Scar: Life’s not fair, is it? You see I — well, I… shallnever be King. {exhale lightly} And you… shall neversee the light of another day. {closed-mouth laughter.Starts to place the mouse on his extended tongue} …Adieu… {quiet laugh}Zazu : {Interrupting} Didn’t your mother ever tell you notto play with your food?Scar: {Light sigh. The mouse is under his paw.} What do you want?Zazu: I’m here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. {bows}…So you’d better have a good excuse for missing theceremony this morning.{The mouse runs away from Scar}Scar: Oh now look, Zazu; you’ve made me lose my lunch.Zazu: Hah! You’ll lose more than that when the King getsthrough with you. He’s as mad as a hippo with ahernia.Scar: Oooh… I quiver with FEAR.{On “FEAR” Scar crouches down and is baring his teeth atZazu.}Zazu: {Very concerned} Now Scar, don’t look at me thatway… HELP!{Scar quickly pounces on the bird, catching him in his mouth.}Mufasa: {Almost immediately and off-camera} Scar! …Scar: {Mouth full} Mm-hmm?Mufasa: Drop him.Zazu: {Speaking from Scar’s mouth} Impeccable timing, yourmajesty.{Scar spits the bird out, covered with saliva}Zazu: {Slimed} Eyyccch.Scar: {Sarcastically overjoyed} Why! If it isn’t my bigbrother descending from on high to mingle with thecommoners.Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn’t see you at the presentation ofSimba.Scar: {Faking astonishment} That was today? Oh, I feelsimply awful.{He turns and start scraping his claws on the rock wall.Zazu cringes at the sound.}Scar: {Admiring his claws} …Must have slipped my mind.Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king’sbrother, you should have been first in line!{Scar clicks his teeth at Zazu, who has flown near hisface. Zazu takes cover behind Mufasa’s foreleg. Scar bendsdown to speak to him.}Scar: Well, I was first in line… until the little hairballwas born.Mufasa: {Lowering his head and meeting Scar eye to eye}That “hairball” is my son… and your future king.The Cast

In alphabetical order, with translations of the names where applicable:

Banzai [Skulk, Lurk] : Most quick-tempered of the Hyenas. Best with

comebacks. Offsets Shenzi and Ed quite well.

(Cheech Marin)

Ed : The stupidest Hyena. Has a Bill the Cat stare.

Noted by warts on the tongue. Too stupid or slow to lie at the

right time.

(Jim Cummings)

Kiara : Simba’s and Nala’s cub. She completes the Circle.

Mufasa : Current King of the Pride Lands. Well-built lion. Thick mane.

Brown eyes. Biiig kitty. Father of Simba. Elder brother of Scar.

(James Earl Jones)

Nala : Friend and companion of Simba. She can pin Simba in a fight. As

an adult she and Simba fall in love, prolonging a tradition they

had refused as cubs.

(Niketa Calame / Moira Kelly)

(Singing: Laura Williams / Kristle Edwards)

Pumbaa [Simpleton] : A well-padded warthog and friend of Timon. A

little slow, but when he catches on, it’s surprising what he

can do. Has a flatulence problem.

(Ernie Sabella)

Rafiki [Friend] : A mandrill whose role is of a mystical shaman.

Outwardly he appears to be crazy, but in reality he is very wise.

(Robert Guillaume)

Sarabi [Mirage] : Mother of Simba. Wife of Mufasa. Leader of the


(Madge Sinclair)

Sarafina : Nala’s mother. Friend of Sarabi.

(Zoe Leader)

Scar : Younger brother of Mufasa. Uncle of Simba. Well-chiseled,

bony features. Flat black matted mane. Aspires to be King of

Pride Rock by deceit, due to his thin size and weak stature.

His claws are always partly extended. Has a vertical scar across

his right eye that presumably accounts for his name.

(Jeremy Irons)

Shenzi [Uncouth] : Female of the Hyena trio. Major attitude. Probably

the smartest and deals the best with Scar. Most even temper.

[1] [2]


The CastIn alphabetical order, with translations of the names where applicable:Banzai [Skulk, Lurk] : Most quick-tempered of the Hyenas. Best withcomebacks. Offsets Shenzi and Ed quite well.(Cheech Marin)Ed : The stupidest Hyena. Has a Bill the Cat stare.Noted by warts on the tongue. Too stupid or slow to lie at theright time.(Jim Cummings)Kiara : Simba’s and Nala’s cub. She completes the Circle.Mufasa : Current King of the Pride Lands. Well-built lion. Thick mane.Brown eyes. Biiig kitty. Father of Simba. Elder brother of Scar.(James Earl Jones)Nala : Friend and companion of Simba. She can pin Simba in a fight. Asan adult she and Simba fall in love, prolonging a tradition theyhad refused as cubs.(Niketa Calame / Moira Kelly)(Singing: Laura Williams / Kristle Edwards)Pumbaa [Simpleton] : A well-padded warthog and friend of Timon. Alittle slow, but when he catches on, it’s surprising what hecan do. Has a flatulence problem.(Ernie Sabella)Rafiki [Friend] : A mandrill whose role is of a mystical shaman.Outwardly he appears to be crazy, but in reality he is very wise.(Robert Guillaume)Sarabi [Mirage] : Mother of Simba. Wife of Mufasa. Leader of thelionesses.(Madge Sinclair)Sarafina : Nala’s mother. Friend of Sarabi.(Zoe Leader)Scar : Younger brother of Mufasa. Uncle of Simba. Well-chiseled,bony features. Flat black matted mane. Aspires to be King ofPride Rock by deceit, due to his thin size and weak stature.His claws are always partly extended. Has a vertical scar acrosshis right eye that presumably accounts for his name.(Jeremy Irons)Shenzi [Uncouth] : Female of the Hyena trio. Major attitude. Probablythe smartest and deals the best with Scar. Most even temper.(Whoopi Goldberg)Simba [Lion] : The cub of Mufasa. Soon to be King of Pride Rock.Initially a cub, later an adult. Brown eyes. As an adult, he’snot as well-built as his father was, presumably from growing upon a diet of insects… Friend of Pumbaa and Timon.(Jonathan Taylor Thomas / Matthew Broderick)(Singing: Jason Weaver / Joseph Williams)Timon : An outcast meerkat; a friend of Pumbaa. Very self-reliant,quite a fast talker (like a used car salesman). Stands about 6″ tall.(Nathan Lane)Zazu : The King’s loyal servant. A hornbill, which is a large-beaked bird.(Rowan Atkinson)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The Script{Open, black screen}{Start nature sound effects}{Cue Castle screen}{Fade to black}{Cue lion roar in the background, calling the animals to gatherto Pride Rock for the Ceremony.}[THE CIRCLE OF LIFE][ MS: Male SingerBS: Background SingerFS: Female Singer (lead) ]{Sunrise on African grassland (lightly treed), in time withopening chant to The Circle of Life}MS: Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father]BS: Sithi uhm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion]{Various shots of animals raising their heads at the sunrise:rhinos, antelope, a cheetah, meerkats, storks…}MS: Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father]BS: Sithi uhhmm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion]IngonyamaMS: Siyo Nqoba [We're going to conquer]BS: IngonyamaIngonyama nengw’ enamabala [A lion and a leopard come to this open place]{repeats 5}Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala (Se-to-kwa!)Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala (Asana){repeats 1}{The Circle of Life ground forms in the BS’s and holds itspattern for eight bars. It is a non-chordal BS part. Theprogressions are in the medium ranges of the strings.Various pans and camera views of African animals, allmoving. Coinciding with the FS pickup in the eighth bar,we first view the giraffes, panning to a long shot of allthe animals in their procession}[The Circle of life text]FS: From the day we arrive on the planetAnd, blinking, step into the sunThere’s more to see than can ever be seenMore to do than can ever be done{Camera is panning and jumping to elephants, zebras, ants,birds, storks, etc… }There’s far too much to take in hereMore to find than can ever be foundBut the sun rolling highThrough the sapphire skyKeeps great and small on the endless round{When the “The Circle of Life” is mentioned the long-distance pan centers on Pride Rock where all the animalsare gathering. Mufasa is on Pride Rock. Long camera arc toMufasa and Zazu.}It’s the Circle of LifeAnd it moves us all{Zazu bows to Mufasa, who smiles and nods at him}Through despair and hopeThrough faith and love{Appearance of Rafiki, the mandrill. He passes betweenranks of animals, who bow to him; he then climbs Pride Rockto where Mufasa is standing.}Till we find our placeOn the path unwinding{Rafiki and Mufasa embrace.}In the CircleThe Circle of Life{Decrescendo in BS. FS drops out. Pan Flute takes simplelead.}{Mufasa leads Rafiki over to Sarabi, who is holding Simba}{Rafiki puts the juice and sand he collects on Simba’sbrow– a ceremonial crown. He then picks Simba up andascends to the point of Pride Rock. Mufasa and Sarabifollow. With a crescendo in the music and a restatement ofthe refrain, Rafiki holds Simba up for the crowd to view.}FS: It’s The Circle of Life{The crowd starts howling, stamping, etc… }And it moves us allThrough despair and hopeThrough faith and love{The clouds part and a sunbeam highlights Rafiki and Simbaon Pride Rock.}Till we find our place{The crowd bows down, one by one.}On the path unwinding{Camera slowly zooms out to a striking panoramic viewof the Presentation.}In the CircleThe Circle of Life{Bass drum hit (fff) and immediate switch to black screenwith title “The Lion King” in blood-red caps.}[Mouse / Challenge Scene]{Cue mouse sounds}{Visual fade into mouse in cave}{Mouse comes out and starts preening in the light. Beginssniffing. Becomes frightened. Suddenly a large lion pawswoops down and catches him.}{Cue the Scar theme (dissonant, slow, reed theme). Fade inslowly and up full during speech}{Camera switch to Scar holding the squeaking andstruggling mouse in his paw. He talks to it while playingwith it}Scar: Life’s not fair, is it? You see I — well, I… shallnever be King. {exhale lightly} And you… shall neversee the light of another day. {closed-mouth laughter.Starts to place the mouse on his extended tongue} …Adieu… {quiet laugh}Zazu : {Interrupting} Didn’t your mother ever tell you notto play with your food?Scar: {Light sigh. The mouse is under his paw.} What do you want?Zazu: I’m here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. {bows}…So you’d better have a good excuse for missing theceremony this morning.{The mouse runs away from Scar}Scar: Oh now look, Zazu; you’ve made me lose my lunch.Zazu: Hah! You’ll lose more than that when the King getsthrough with you. He’s as mad as a hippo with ahernia.Scar: Oooh… I quiver with FEAR.{On “FEAR” Scar crouches down and is baring his teeth atZazu.}Zazu: {Very concerned} Now Scar, don’t look at me thatway… HELP!{Scar quickly pounces on the bird, catching him in his mouth.}Mufasa: {Almost immediately and off-camera} Scar! …Scar: {Mouth full} Mm-hmm?Mufasa: Drop him.Zazu: {Speaking from Scar’s mouth} Impeccable timing, yourmajesty.{Scar spits the bird out, covered with saliva}Zazu: {Slimed} Eyyccch.Scar: {Sarcastically overjoyed} Why! If it isn’t my bigbrother descending from on high to mingle with thecommoners.Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn’t see you at the presentation ofSimba.Scar: {Faking astonishment} That was today? Oh, I feelsimply awful.{He turns and start scraping his claws on the rock wall.Zazu cringes at the sound.}Scar: {Admiring his claws} …Must have slipped my mind.Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king’sbrother, you should have been first in line!{Scar clicks his teeth at Zazu, who has flown near hisface. Zazu takes cover behind Mufasa’s foreleg. Scar bendsdown to speak to him.}Scar: Well, I was first in line… until the little hairballwas born.Mufasa: {Lowering his head and meeting Scar eye to eye}That “hairball” is my son… and your future king.The Cast

In alphabetical order, with translations of the names where applicable:

Banzai [Skulk, Lurk] : Most quick-tempered of the Hyenas. Best with

comebacks. Offsets Shenzi and Ed quite well.

(Cheech Marin)

Ed : The stupidest Hyena. Has a Bill the Cat stare.

Noted by warts on the tongue. Too stupid or slow to lie at the

right time.

(Jim Cummings)

Kiara : Simba’s and Nala’s cub. She completes the Circle.

Mufasa : Current King of the Pride Lands. Well-built lion. Thick mane.

Brown eyes. Biiig kitty. Father of Simba. Elder brother of Scar.

(James Earl Jones)

Nala : Friend and companion of Simba. She can pin Simba in a fight. As

an adult she and Simba fall in love, prolonging a tradition they

had refused as cubs.

(Niketa Calame / Moira Kelly)

(Singing: Laura Williams / Kristle Edwards)

Pumbaa [Simpleton] : A well-padded warthog and friend of Timon. A

little slow, but when he catches on, it’s surprising what he

can do. Has a flatulence problem.

(Ernie Sabella)

Rafiki [Friend] : A mandrill whose role is of a mystical shaman.

Outwardly he appears to be crazy, but in reality he is very wise.

(Robert Guillaume)

Sarabi [Mirage] : Mother of Simba. Wife of Mufasa. Leader of the


(Madge Sinclair)

Sarafina : Nala’s mother. Friend of Sarabi.

(Zoe Leader)

Scar : Younger brother of Mufasa. Uncle of Simba. Well-chiseled,

bony features. Flat black matted mane. Aspires to be King of

Pride Rock by deceit, due to his thin size and weak stature.

His claws are always partly extended. Has a vertical scar across

his right eye that presumably accounts for his name.

(Jeremy Irons)

Shenzi [Uncouth] : Female of the Hyena trio. Major attitude. Probably

the smartest and deals the best with Scar. Most even temper.

[1] [2]

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