1. Start slowly. Make a list of all the contacts you have in mindwho are beyond your usual comfort zone. Then rank them inorder of difficulty and call the easiest ones first.
2. Never assume a "no." Many times job seekers talk themselvesout of contacting someone because they assume the personwon't want to help or won't be able to. But you never know unless you ask, and you'll gainconfidence when you realize how many people are actually pleased to hear from you.
3. Ask for advice rather than information about specific job openings. Not only does this approachavoid putting the other person on the spot, it also might produce useful insights into what's goingon at his or her company, or suggestions about other people you should call.
4. Try to offer something in return. Just because you're out of work at the moment doesn't meanyou have nothing to offer. The more networking you do, the more potentially valuable informationyou pick up along the way, which you can then pass along. Or, if you're doing Internet researchand you come across an article that might interest one of your contacts, send it."
1. Start slowly. Make a list of all the contacts you have in mindwho are beyond your usual comfort zone. Then rank them inorder of difficulty and call the easiest ones first.
2. Never assume a "no." Many times job seekers talk themselvesout of contacting someone because they assume the personwon't want to help or won't be able to. But you never know unless you ask, and you'll gainconfidence when you realize how many people are actually pleased to hear from you.
3. Ask for advice rather than information about specific job openings. Not only does this approachavoid putting the other person on the spot, it also might produce useful insights into what's goingon at his or her company, or suggestions about other people you should call.
4. Try to offer something in return. Just because you're out of work at the moment doesn't meanyou have nothing to offer. The more networking you do, the more potentially valuable informationyou pick up along the way, which you can then pass along. Or, if you're doing Internet researchand you come across an article that might interest one of your contacts, send it."