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This year Universum surveyed nearly 60,000 undergraduatestudents and asked them to name their “ideal” employers upongraduation. The resulting rankings reveal the companies newgraduates consider to be the most attractive prospective employerson the market. For business majors and IT students, Google reignssupreme. 49% of students with majors in information technologynamed the Mountain View company their number one pick. (For a pointof comparison, NASA, which was the top employer for engineeringstudents, was only called out by 17%)。


Google has such appeal among undergrads that it quiteliterally reached the top by popular demand. Just six years ago itwasn’t among the companies that students were queried about, butafter so many undergrads wrote it in as a favorite it went straightto the top. Since then, it’s held either the number one or two spoteach year for multiple majors。


Also interesting? Kids are still lining up for jobs with J.P.Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Despite the troubled banking system inrecent years, business students are no less enthused by joiningfinancial institutions than they were pre-crash. According toCamille Kelly, VP of branding for Universom, banking continues tohold its appeal with millennials, and she thinks she knows why:they think they can make a difference. “This is a generation thatgenerally goes into any job opportunity thinking they’re going tobe the one to change the system,” she says. “Maybe they’re stillinterested in because they really want to make a difference。”

同样有趣的是,学生们仍在排队申请摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)的工作机会。尽管近年来银行业问题不断,商科学生加入金融机构的热情没有丝毫减退。按照优信品牌推广副总裁卡米尔·凯利(CamilleKelly)的说法,银行业在千禧一代人中仍然有吸引力,而且在她看来其中原因是:他们认为自己可以让情况有所不同。“这一代人无论走上什么工作岗位,都以为自己是能改变体制的人,”她说,“也许现在他们仍然有志于此因为他们真的想有所作为。”

Without further ado, the top 10 employers by major are:


Business Majors


No. 1 Google

1 谷歌

No. 2 Apple

2 苹果

No. 3 Walt Disney Company

3 沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney Company)

No. 4 Ernst &Young

4 安永(Ernst &Young)

No. 5 Deloitte

5 德勤(Deloitte)

No. 6 J.P. Morgan

6 摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)

No. 7 Nike

7 耐克(Nike)

No. 8 PriceWaterHouseCoopers

8 普华永道(PriceWaterHouseCoopers)

No. 9 Goldman Sachs

9 高盛(Goldman Sachs)


10 毕马威(KPMG LLP)

Engineering Majors


No. 1 NASA

1 美国宇航局(NASA)

No. 2 Boeing

2 波音公司

No. 3 Lockheed Martin Corporation

3洛克希德·马丁公司(Lockheed Martin Corporation)

No. 4 Google

4 谷歌(Google)

No. 5 General Electric

5 通用电气(General Electric)

No. 6 Apple

6 苹果公司(Apple)

No. 7 U.S. Department of Energy

7 美国能源部(U.S. Department of Energy)

No. 8 Exxon Mobil Corporation

8 埃克森美孚公司(Exxon Mobil Corporation)

No. 9 Walt Disney Corporation

9沃尔特·迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney Company)

No. 10 BMW

10 宝马公司(BMW)


This year Universum surveyed nearly 60,000 undergraduatestudents and asked them to name their “ideal” employers upongraduation. The resulting rankings reveal the companies newgraduates consider to be the most attractive prospective employerson the market. For business majors and IT students, Google reignssupreme. 49% of students with majors in information technologynamed the Mountain View company their number one pick. (For a pointof comparison, NASA, which was the top employer for engineeringstudents, was only called out by 17%)。


Google has such appeal among undergrads that it quiteliterally reached the top by popular demand. Just six years ago itwasn’t among the companies that students were queried about, butafter so many undergrads wrote it in as a favorite it went straightto the top. Since then, it’s held either the number one or two spoteach year for multiple majors。


Also interesting? Kids are still lining up for jobs with J.P.Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Despite the troubled banking system inrecent years, business students are no less enthused by joiningfinancial institutions than they were pre-crash. According toCamille Kelly, VP of branding for Universom, banking continues tohold its appeal with millennials, and she thinks she knows why:they think they can make a difference. “This is a generation thatgenerally goes into any job opportunity thinking they’re going tobe the one to change the system,” she says. “Maybe they’re stillinterested in because they really want to make a difference。”

同样有趣的是,学生们仍在排队申请摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)的工作机会。尽管近年来银行业问题不断,商科学生加入金融机构的热情没有丝毫减退。按照优信品牌推广副总裁卡米尔·凯利(CamilleKelly)的说法,银行业在千禧一代人中仍然有吸引力,而且在她看来其中原因是:他们认为自己可以让情况有所不同。“这一代人无论走上什么工作岗位,都以为自己是能改变体制的人,”她说,“也许现在他们仍然有志于此因为他们真的想有所作为。”

Without further ado, the top 10 employers by major are:


Business Majors


No. 1 Google

1 谷歌

No. 2 Apple

2 苹果

No. 3 Walt Disney Company

3 沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney Company)

No. 4 Ernst &Young

4 安永(Ernst &Young)

No. 5 Deloitte

5 德勤(Deloitte)

No. 6 J.P. Morgan

6 摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)

No. 7 Nike

7 耐克(Nike)

No. 8 PriceWaterHouseCoopers

8 普华永道(PriceWaterHouseCoopers)

No. 9 Goldman Sachs

9 高盛(Goldman Sachs)


10 毕马威(KPMG LLP)

Engineering Majors


No. 1 NASA

1 美国宇航局(NASA)

No. 2 Boeing

2 波音公司

No. 3 Lockheed Martin Corporation

3洛克希德·马丁公司(Lockheed Martin Corporation)

No. 4 Google

4 谷歌(Google)

No. 5 General Electric

5 通用电气(General Electric)

No. 6 Apple

6 苹果公司(Apple)

No. 7 U.S. Department of Energy

7 美国能源部(U.S. Department of Energy)

No. 8 Exxon Mobil Corporation

8 埃克森美孚公司(Exxon Mobil Corporation)

No. 9 Walt Disney Corporation

9沃尔特·迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney Company)

No. 10 BMW

10 宝马公司(BMW)

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