自学库英语口语频道为大家整理的商务英语口语900句:怎样介绍发展中国家,供大家参考:) 第一句:Developing countries should try to realize economic prosperity and outgrow the world second ranked citizens status. 发展中国家应该尝试实现经济的繁荣,摆脱世界二等公民的地位。
A: How can developing countries meet thechallenge? 发展中国家如何迎接挑战?
B: Developing countries should try to realize economic prosperity and outgrow the world second ranked citizens status. 发展中国家应该尝试实现经济的繁荣,摆脱世界二等公民的地位。
第二句:They should develop their domestic economies in a way suitable for their national conditon. 他们应当发展适合国情的国内经济。
A: How should the developing countries develop their economies? 发展中国家如何发展其经济?
B: They should develop their domestic economies in a way suitable for their national conditon. 他们应当发展适合国情的国内经济。
A: En. 嗯。
B: And beat up South-South cooperation. 并且加强南南合作。
They should promote North-South dialogue. 他们应该推进南北对话。