第12课 重要的 - 8
第12课:重要的 - 8
A: The victory was decisive in winning the war.
B: If they had lost, I believe the war would have carried on for another two years.
A: 这次胜利对最终赢得战争至关重要。
B: 他们要是败了,我相信战争还得再持续两年。
A: His mark in English will be the determining factor of whether he goes to Yale or not.
B: I know that they have very strict requirements.
A: 他能不能去耶鲁大学,就看他的英语成绩。
B: 我知道他们的要求极为苛刻。
decisive: 决定性的;需要做出抉择的;关键的。
carry on: 继续,坚持。
determining: 决定的。
mark: (学校)分数。