sonny 小孩儿
loser 笨蛋
incompetent loser 无能的笨蛋
okie dokie , oky doky = ok
punk 废物
wanker 手淫者
that isnt funny 不可笑, 不怪
dont get funny with me 别无理
where are you located? 你在哪?
where is china situated? 中国在那?
moron 笨蛋
stupid 笨蛋
a stream of cuss 一顿骂
a stream of abuse 一顿骂
dont get smart with me 别耍花样
dont fuck with me 别他吗的捣乱
suck up to somebody 拍马屁
darn d*amn 的婉转行试
what does that mean? 什么意思?
whats your problem? 你怎么了你?(用于指责)
come on 快,来嘛~~,别那样了,
come on man 来呗!
lmaf , laugh my ass off 非常可笑
ridiculous 可笑的(贬义词)
go to bed! 滚开!
dumbass 笨蛋
stick my foot right up your ass 踢你的屁股,揍你。