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The shadows covered my ball like giant trash bags,and the subtle breaks in the green blended togetheras if coated in paint. I didn’t care — how could I? Iwas playing golf at night.


For many casual golfers, this would qualify as theHoly Grail. After all, one of the most difficult thingsabout being a golfer is the time required to complete18 holes, and while finishing a round in about fourhours generally inspires feelings of sheer giddiness among players, those emotions are nottypically shared by the player’s waiting spouse or family members. A “quick round on aweekend often occupies at least half of that day’s daylight hours — a reality that can beespecially infuriating if, say, a family is on vacation at the time.

对许多休闲高尔夫玩家而言,这就像圣杯(Holy Grail)那么可望而不可及。毕竟,要成为一名高尔夫玩家,最困难的一件事莫过于必须在限定的时间内打完全部的18个洞,虽然在四小时左右打完一场高尔夫,一般会让玩家们高兴得晕头转向,不过这样的情感往往不会感染到那些在苦苦守候他们打完高尔夫的爱人或家人。即便周末“速战速决地打一场高尔夫,通常也会占用那个白天一大半的时间,这足以让一家人都勃然大怒了,如果那时候他们正好在度假的话。



Given that perpetual obstacle, let me offer this suggestion to those golfers who also happento enjoy spending time with their loved ones: Get yourself to Dubai.


This may seem incongruous; certainly no one would argue that Dubai, a city that sometimesfeels as if it is being built one (oversized) Lego at a time, has the golf cachet of Pebble Beach,Calif., or Pinehurst, N.C. But then, where else can you go on a winter jaunt that will allow you tospend a day at the beach or in a bustling array of old-town markets or atop the observationdeck of the world’s tallest skyscraper before having an early dinner with the family, putting thekids to bed and then, with tourist responsibilities fully completed, grabbing your clubs andplaying 18 holes with a sky full of stars along for the ride?


I was in Dubai late last year to report a few stories for The New York Times but, as I teed off onthe Faldo Course at the Emirates Golf Club shortly before 8 one night, it did not escape methat I was beginning my round at roughly the same time as my children would be going to sleepback home. It was a liberating feeling and, also, wholly unfamiliar; after all, so many roundsplayed by so many golfers around the world involve a mental countdown clock, a harriedfeeling of needing to hustle so as to be done in time for a soccer practice/baseball game/dancerecital/trip to Home Depot.

去年下半年,我在迪拜为《纽约时报》做几篇报道,有天晚上快到8点钟的时候,我在阿联酋高尔夫俱乐部的福尔多球场上挥起了球杆,但我忽然想到,开始打这场高尔夫的时间,也正是我的孩子们要回家睡觉的时间。我立刻有了一种自由自在的感觉,不过也是一种非常陌生的感觉,毕竟,世界各地的许多高尔夫玩家在打高尔夫球时,心里都在倒计时,总觉得要动作快一点,匆匆忙忙地把球打完,以便能赶上一次足球训练,或一场棒球比赛,或一次舞蹈表演,又或一次去家得宝(Home Depot)的购物。

This was different. At night, the pace of play is quick but the emotions are gloriously slower anddreamier. Like everything else in Dubai, there is construction all around the course at Emirates,but the whirring of the cranes and the backfiring of the ubiquitous trucks quiet to a hum afterdark and the skyline that rises above the course, topped, of course, by the spindly BurjKhalifa, makes golfers feel as if they are tiptoeing (or, really, gliding in electric carts) among acadre of neon giants.

这种感觉大不一样。在夜间打球,虽然速度一样很快,心里却一点儿也不急,而且还有一种优哉游哉的感觉。与迪拜的其他地方一样,阿联酋高尔夫球场的周围也在大兴土木,但入夜之后,那些起重机的嗡嗡声和随处可见的卡车所发出的噪音都沉寂了下来,而球场上空的城市天际线,还有其中最高的哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa),会让那些高尔夫玩家们觉得,他们似乎在踮着脚尖(实际上是乘坐着电动车)穿梭于一群霓虹巨人之间。

In many ways, a fully floodlit golf course is typical Dubai. There are other places around theworld where one can, technically, play golf at night, but these are often tiny tracks, a course ofshort holes where one might need only a few clubs and an hour’s time to get around. Paying toinstall bright lights all over a course that can stretch more than 7,000 yards and alreadyrequires a pricey maintenance that includes one million gallons of water per day in the heat ofthe desert summer is both lavish and ostentatious. But then, those are two adjectives thatare not used infrequently in these parts.


From a design standpoint, the Faldo Course itself is not breathtaking; its sister layout atEmirates, the Majlis, is generally regarded as superior and hosts professional eventsthroughout the year. But while one can certainly choose to play either course during the day,the true allure here is obvious: Why wouldn’t the casual golfer find something else to do inthe morning — consider this an enthusiastic plug for visiting the local camel racing track,where the action begins at sunrise — while saving the joy (and pain) of golf for evening?


All the perks of playing a luxury club remain the same. On my visit, I enjoyed a tasty dinner inthe clubhouse restaurant after arriving at the course and changed my shoes in the plush lockerroom (complete with sauna and steam room) before warming up at the capacious driving rangewith a set of rental clubs that were top-of-the-line. There were even birds chirping and flyingabout, their internal body clocks apparently so altered by the bright lights that dusk and dawnhave become malleable concepts.


Yes, there is some acclimatizing required for night golf: Constantly hitting out of my own (long)shadow took some getting used to, and budding Rory McIlroys who like to analyze every nookand cranny of a green’s tilt will suffer eye strain if they try to identify whether a putt hasprecisely two inches of break. Tracking the ball’s flight, too, can be a challenge, particularly forshots that fly far from the target line (though that is a problem that is not, shall we say,exclusive to the nighttime). One gentleman I came across recommended switching to a pinkball for greater visibility.


Golf, like many sports in the United Arab Emirates, is not a particularly big draw for locals, sothe majority of players at Emirates are visitors or expatriates. I played with a Welshman duringmy visit and as we made our way down the 14th hole sometime after 10 o’clock, we couldn’thelp but pause for a moment.


It was the quietest part of the course, tucked away from the croaks and moans of theconstruction. There were no other golfers around. No cars alongside. No cellphone buzzing inthe cart with a text message asking how much longer we would be.


There was only a willowy tree canopy looming behind the green and us, two golfers playing adaytime sport, chasing our shots toward a flagstick lit up beneath the moon.


If You Go


The Emirates Golf Club (Emirates Hills 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 971-4-417-9800;dubaigolf­.com) is about 30 minutes from the Dubai airport and roughly 25 minutes fromJumeirah Beach. Hotel options, of varying prices, are plentiful in the surrounding area. Greensfees for night golf on the Faldo Course are 425 dirhams, about $118, at 3.60 dirhams to thedollar. Fees for rental clubs are 195 dirhams.

阿联酋高尔夫俱乐部(地址在阿联酋的迪拜,阿联酋山2号;971-4-417-9800;dubaigolf-.com)距迪拜机场大约30分钟,距卓美亚海滩(Jumeirah Beach)约25分钟。该区域周围有许多各种价格的酒店可供选择。福尔多夜间高尔夫球场的费用为425迪拉姆,按照1美元兑3.6迪拉姆的汇率,约为118美元(约合人民币732元)。球杆的租赁费用为195迪拉姆(约合人民币335元)。

The shadows covered my ball like giant trash bags,and the subtle breaks in the green blended togetheras if coated in paint. I didn’t care — how could I? Iwas playing golf at night.


For many casual golfers, this would qualify as theHoly Grail. After all, one of the most difficult thingsabout being a golfer is the time required to complete18 holes, and while finishing a round in about fourhours generally inspires feelings of sheer giddiness among players, those emotions are nottypically shared by the player’s waiting spouse or family members. A “quick round on aweekend often occupies at least half of that day’s daylight hours — a reality that can beespecially infuriating if, say, a family is on vacation at the time.

对许多休闲高尔夫玩家而言,这就像圣杯(Holy Grail)那么可望而不可及。毕竟,要成为一名高尔夫玩家,最困难的一件事莫过于必须在限定的时间内打完全部的18个洞,虽然在四小时左右打完一场高尔夫,一般会让玩家们高兴得晕头转向,不过这样的情感往往不会感染到那些在苦苦守候他们打完高尔夫的爱人或家人。即便周末“速战速决地打一场高尔夫,通常也会占用那个白天一大半的时间,这足以让一家人都勃然大怒了,如果那时候他们正好在度假的话。



Given that perpetual obstacle, let me offer this suggestion to those golfers who also happento enjoy spending time with their loved ones: Get yourself to Dubai.


This may seem incongruous; certainly no one would argue that Dubai, a city that sometimesfeels as if it is being built one (oversized) Lego at a time, has the golf cachet of Pebble Beach,Calif., or Pinehurst, N.C. But then, where else can you go on a winter jaunt that will allow you tospend a day at the beach or in a bustling array of old-town markets or atop the observationdeck of the world’s tallest skyscraper before having an early dinner with the family, putting thekids to bed and then, with tourist responsibilities fully completed, grabbing your clubs andplaying 18 holes with a sky full of stars along for the ride?


I was in Dubai late last year to report a few stories for The New York Times but, as I teed off onthe Faldo Course at the Emirates Golf Club shortly before 8 one night, it did not escape methat I was beginning my round at roughly the same time as my children would be going to sleepback home. It was a liberating feeling and, also, wholly unfamiliar; after all, so many roundsplayed by so many golfers around the world involve a mental countdown clock, a harriedfeeling of needing to hustle so as to be done in time for a soccer practice/baseball game/dancerecital/trip to Home Depot.

去年下半年,我在迪拜为《纽约时报》做几篇报道,有天晚上快到8点钟的时候,我在阿联酋高尔夫俱乐部的福尔多球场上挥起了球杆,但我忽然想到,开始打这场高尔夫的时间,也正是我的孩子们要回家睡觉的时间。我立刻有了一种自由自在的感觉,不过也是一种非常陌生的感觉,毕竟,世界各地的许多高尔夫玩家在打高尔夫球时,心里都在倒计时,总觉得要动作快一点,匆匆忙忙地把球打完,以便能赶上一次足球训练,或一场棒球比赛,或一次舞蹈表演,又或一次去家得宝(Home Depot)的购物。

This was different. At night, the pace of play is quick but the emotions are gloriously slower anddreamier. Like everything else in Dubai, there is construction all around the course at Emirates,but the whirring of the cranes and the backfiring of the ubiquitous trucks quiet to a hum afterdark and the skyline that rises above the course, topped, of course, by the spindly BurjKhalifa, makes golfers feel as if they are tiptoeing (or, really, gliding in electric carts) among acadre of neon giants.

这种感觉大不一样。在夜间打球,虽然速度一样很快,心里却一点儿也不急,而且还有一种优哉游哉的感觉。与迪拜的其他地方一样,阿联酋高尔夫球场的周围也在大兴土木,但入夜之后,那些起重机的嗡嗡声和随处可见的卡车所发出的噪音都沉寂了下来,而球场上空的城市天际线,还有其中最高的哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa),会让那些高尔夫玩家们觉得,他们似乎在踮着脚尖(实际上是乘坐着电动车)穿梭于一群霓虹巨人之间。

In many ways, a fully floodlit golf course is typical Dubai. There are other places around theworld where one can, technically, play golf at night, but these are often tiny tracks, a course ofshort holes where one might need only a few clubs and an hour’s time to get around. Paying toinstall bright lights all over a course that can stretch more than 7,000 yards and alreadyrequires a pricey maintenance that includes one million gallons of water per day in the heat ofthe desert summer is both lavish and ostentatious. But then, those are two adjectives thatare not used infrequently in these parts.


From a design standpoint, the Faldo Course itself is not breathtaking; its sister layout atEmirates, the Majlis, is generally regarded as superior and hosts professional eventsthroughout the year. But while one can certainly choose to play either course during the day,the true allure here is obvious: Why wouldn’t the casual golfer find something else to do inthe morning — consider this an enthusiastic plug for visiting the local camel racing track,where the action begins at sunrise — while saving the joy (and pain) of golf for evening?


All the perks of playing a luxury club remain the same. On my visit, I enjoyed a tasty dinner inthe clubhouse restaurant after arriving at the course and changed my shoes in the plush lockerroom (complete with sauna and steam room) before warming up at the capacious driving rangewith a set of rental clubs that were top-of-the-line. There were even birds chirping and flyingabout, their internal body clocks apparently so altered by the bright lights that dusk and dawnhave become malleable concepts.


Yes, there is some acclimatizing required for night golf: Constantly hitting out of my own (long)shadow took some getting used to, and budding Rory McIlroys who like to analyze every nookand cranny of a green’s tilt will suffer eye strain if they try to identify whether a putt hasprecisely two inches of break. Tracking the ball’s flight, too, can be a challenge, particularly forshots that fly far from the target line (though that is a problem that is not, shall we say,exclusive to the nighttime). One gentleman I came across recommended switching to a pinkball for greater visibility.


Golf, like many sports in the United Arab Emirates, is not a particularly big draw for locals, sothe majority of players at Emirates are visitors or expatriates. I played with a Welshman duringmy visit and as we made our way down the 14th hole sometime after 10 o’clock, we couldn’thelp but pause for a moment.


It was the quietest part of the course, tucked away from the croaks and moans of theconstruction. There were no other golfers around. No cars alongside. No cellphone buzzing inthe cart with a text message asking how much longer we would be.


There was only a willowy tree canopy looming behind the green and us, two golfers playing adaytime sport, chasing our shots toward a flagstick lit up beneath the moon.


If You Go


The Emirates Golf Club (Emirates Hills 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 971-4-417-9800;dubaigolf­.com) is about 30 minutes from the Dubai airport and roughly 25 minutes fromJumeirah Beach. Hotel options, of varying prices, are plentiful in the surrounding area. Greensfees for night golf on the Faldo Course are 425 dirhams, about $118, at 3.60 dirhams to thedollar. Fees for rental clubs are 195 dirhams.

阿联酋高尔夫俱乐部(地址在阿联酋的迪拜,阿联酋山2号;971-4-417-9800;dubaigolf-.com)距迪拜机场大约30分钟,距卓美亚海滩(Jumeirah Beach)约25分钟。该区域周围有许多各种价格的酒店可供选择。福尔多夜间高尔夫球场的费用为425迪拉姆,按照1美元兑3.6迪拉姆的汇率,约为118美元(约合人民币732元)。球杆的租赁费用为195迪拉姆(约合人民币335元)。

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