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China’s central bank has embarked onunprecedented measures to stabilise the country’scratering stock market in recent days, in what some are calling quantitative easing withChinese characteristics.


Yet analysts say China’s action more closely resembles emergency actions used by westerncentral banks to stabilise credit markets at the height of the 2008 financial crisis, and differssignificantly from the extended bond-buying programmes subsequently rolled out tostimulate the real economy.


At the height of the crisis, the US Federal Reserve created new lending facilities allowing banksto use mortgage-backed securities and other “toxic assets as collateral at a time whennormal demand for these assets had collapsed.


The move by the People’s Bank of China to lend to China Securities Finance Corp to fund stockpurchases similarly casts the central bank as buyer of last resort for assets shunned byinvestors in the open market. Both forms of intervention expand the money supply.

与此类似,在中国央行向中国证券金融公司(China Securities Finance Corporation,简称:证金公司)发放贷款为购股提供资金的过程中,央行也扮演了资产最后买家的角色,而这些资产正是公开市场投资者不愿买入的。上述两种干预手段,都扩大了货币的供应量。

“This is not exactly the US Fed style of QE, but serves the same purpose of stopping marketpanic and a selling chain reaction through unconventional policies and market interventions,says Dong Tao, head of Asia ex-Japan economics at Credit Suisse.

瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)亚洲经济(日本除外)研究主管陶冬表示:“这与美联储式的量化宽松并不完全一样,不过它同样是通过非常规政策和市场干预行为,来达到遏止市场恐慌情绪及阻断抛售行为连锁反应的目的。

“If market conditions do not stabilise, we expect a statement of ‘whatever it takes’ from theChinese government given that social stability is at stake and financial systemic risks areevident.


In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, as the recovery of real economies in Europe and the USremained sluggish, central banks resorted to a different form of QE: purchases of long-termgovernment bonds. In the eurozone, bond purchases are still ongoing. But this kind of QE issignificantly different from what the PBoC has undertaken.


Bond purchases by western central banks aimed to stimulate the real economy. By pushingdown long-term interest rates, authorities hoped to persuade households and businesses tobuy homes and expand factories. By contrast, the PBoC action is aimed squarely at the stockmarket.


“If the PBoC does buy stocks from investors, that definitely injects money to the real economyand is essentially QE for sure, said Larry Hu, China economist at Macquarie Securities.

麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)中国经济学家胡伟俊(Larry Hu)表示:“如果中国央行确实从投资者手中买入股票,这么做绝对会向实体经济注入资金,实质上无疑是一种量化宽松。

“In that case, what’s in PBoC’s mind is to save the market, rather than stimulate the economyas [then-Fed chair Ben] Bernanke did with QE.

“但中国央行头脑中考虑的是救市,而不是像(时任美联储主席的)本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)推出量化宽松时那样,考虑的是刺激经济。

Another difference is the context. Western central banks started buying bonds only when theirstandard monetary policy tool — short-term interest rates — were already at or near zero,leaving no room for further cuts.


The PBoC has cut benchmark interest rates four times since November but the one-year rate,at 4.85 per cent, has room to fall further. In the context of tumbling share prices, however,lower borrowing costs would not persuade investors to buy stocks.


Unlike bond-buying by western central banks, the PBoC is also not taking stocks directly on toits balance sheet, but is instead using CSF as a conduit to inject funds into the market. Inpractice, the effect is largely the same, economists say, as loans to CSF also create new moneywhile boosting demand for stocks.


The use of CSF does provide some protection to the PBoC’s balance sheet, however. While thesafety of the central bank’s loans to CSF is closely linked to stock prices, CSF has equitycapital that could absorb some losses. That would allow CSF to repay loans to the PBoC even ifthe shares it buys fall in value.


The bigger quandary for a central bank that finds itself holding stock, whether directly orindirectly, would be how to exit. Just as critics of western governments’ bond-buying worrythat developed economies are now “addicted to QE, so Chinese authorities would confront therisk that once CSF tried to unload the shares it had accumulated, market turmoil would quicklyreturn.


China’s central bank has not disclosed the scale of its loans to CSF, saying only that its loanshave been “ample. That makes direct comparisons with western QE difficult. Still, with themechanism for pumping newly created money into the stock market via CSF now in place, thePBoC is clearly ready to shock and awe if necessary.


“The nuclear measure would be for the PBoC to ramp up its liquidity support either via theCSF or directly, making it a de facto QE programme, Wei Yao, China economist at SociétéGénérale, wrote. “But we are not sure how far the reform-minded central bank will be willingto go in that direction.

“核心举措将是中国央行通过证金公司加大或直接加大流动性支持,使之成为一个事实上的量化宽松计划,法国兴业银行(Société Générale)中国经济学家姚炜写道,“但我们并不确定拥有改革思维的中国央行愿朝这个方向走多远。

“If the stock market cannot stabilise soon, the government should be careful not to commit toomany resources to this goal.



China’s central bank has embarked onunprecedented measures to stabilise the country’scratering stock market in recent days, in what some are calling quantitative easing withChinese characteristics.


Yet analysts say China’s action more closely resembles emergency actions used by westerncentral banks to stabilise credit markets at the height of the 2008 financial crisis, and differssignificantly from the extended bond-buying programmes subsequently rolled out tostimulate the real economy.


At the height of the crisis, the US Federal Reserve created new lending facilities allowing banksto use mortgage-backed securities and other “toxic assets as collateral at a time whennormal demand for these assets had collapsed.


The move by the People’s Bank of China to lend to China Securities Finance Corp to fund stockpurchases similarly casts the central bank as buyer of last resort for assets shunned byinvestors in the open market. Both forms of intervention expand the money supply.

与此类似,在中国央行向中国证券金融公司(China Securities Finance Corporation,简称:证金公司)发放贷款为购股提供资金的过程中,央行也扮演了资产最后买家的角色,而这些资产正是公开市场投资者不愿买入的。上述两种干预手段,都扩大了货币的供应量。

“This is not exactly the US Fed style of QE, but serves the same purpose of stopping marketpanic and a selling chain reaction through unconventional policies and market interventions,says Dong Tao, head of Asia ex-Japan economics at Credit Suisse.

瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)亚洲经济(日本除外)研究主管陶冬表示:“这与美联储式的量化宽松并不完全一样,不过它同样是通过非常规政策和市场干预行为,来达到遏止市场恐慌情绪及阻断抛售行为连锁反应的目的。

“If market conditions do not stabilise, we expect a statement of ‘whatever it takes’ from theChinese government given that social stability is at stake and financial systemic risks areevident.


In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, as the recovery of real economies in Europe and the USremained sluggish, central banks resorted to a different form of QE: purchases of long-termgovernment bonds. In the eurozone, bond purchases are still ongoing. But this kind of QE issignificantly different from what the PBoC has undertaken.


Bond purchases by western central banks aimed to stimulate the real economy. By pushingdown long-term interest rates, authorities hoped to persuade households and businesses tobuy homes and expand factories. By contrast, the PBoC action is aimed squarely at the stockmarket.


“If the PBoC does buy stocks from investors, that definitely injects money to the real economyand is essentially QE for sure, said Larry Hu, China economist at Macquarie Securities.

麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)中国经济学家胡伟俊(Larry Hu)表示:“如果中国央行确实从投资者手中买入股票,这么做绝对会向实体经济注入资金,实质上无疑是一种量化宽松。

“In that case, what’s in PBoC’s mind is to save the market, rather than stimulate the economyas [then-Fed chair Ben] Bernanke did with QE.

“但中国央行头脑中考虑的是救市,而不是像(时任美联储主席的)本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)推出量化宽松时那样,考虑的是刺激经济。

Another difference is the context. Western central banks started buying bonds only when theirstandard monetary policy tool — short-term interest rates — were already at or near zero,leaving no room for further cuts.


The PBoC has cut benchmark interest rates four times since November but the one-year rate,at 4.85 per cent, has room to fall further. In the context of tumbling share prices, however,lower borrowing costs would not persuade investors to buy stocks.


Unlike bond-buying by western central banks, the PBoC is also not taking stocks directly on toits balance sheet, but is instead using CSF as a conduit to inject funds into the market. Inpractice, the effect is largely the same, economists say, as loans to CSF also create new moneywhile boosting demand for stocks.


The use of CSF does provide some protection to the PBoC’s balance sheet, however. While thesafety of the central bank’s loans to CSF is closely linked to stock prices, CSF has equitycapital that could absorb some losses. That would allow CSF to repay loans to the PBoC even ifthe shares it buys fall in value.


The bigger quandary for a central bank that finds itself holding stock, whether directly orindirectly, would be how to exit. Just as critics of western governments’ bond-buying worrythat developed economies are now “addicted to QE, so Chinese authorities would confront therisk that once CSF tried to unload the shares it had accumulated, market turmoil would quicklyreturn.


China’s central bank has not disclosed the scale of its loans to CSF, saying only that its loanshave been “ample. That makes direct comparisons with western QE difficult. Still, with themechanism for pumping newly created money into the stock market via CSF now in place, thePBoC is clearly ready to shock and awe if necessary.


“The nuclear measure would be for the PBoC to ramp up its liquidity support either via theCSF or directly, making it a de facto QE programme, Wei Yao, China economist at SociétéGénérale, wrote. “But we are not sure how far the reform-minded central bank will be willingto go in that direction.

“核心举措将是中国央行通过证金公司加大或直接加大流动性支持,使之成为一个事实上的量化宽松计划,法国兴业银行(Société Générale)中国经济学家姚炜写道,“但我们并不确定拥有改革思维的中国央行愿朝这个方向走多远。

“If the stock market cannot stabilise soon, the government should be careful not to commit toomany resources to this goal.


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