Qualcomm, the $105bn chipmaker under pressurefrom an activist investor, said it would slash itsworkforce, shift activity to low-cost countries and consider a break-up, amid a slowdown in chipdemand.
The company also announced that it would add three new directors to its board and shake upexecutive compensation, agreeing to a slate of demands from the activist hedge fund JanaPartners.
高通还同意了维权对冲基金加纳伙伴基金(Jana Partners)的一系列要求,宣布将向董事会增加3名成员,并调整高管薪酬。
Qualcomm has been under pressure since Jana took a $2bn stake in the company in April,demanding cost cuts and the possible separation of the patent licensing arm that accounts fortwo-thirds of earnings.
The company, which employs 31,000 workers worldwide, said it would cut $1.1bn a year fromits $7.3bn in annual costs by reducing full-time and temporary workers. The cuts could resultin up to 4,500 job losses before the end of 2023.
Steve Mollenkopf, chief executive, insisted the company was “not sacrificing the future for thepresent and would still spend more than $4bn annually on research and development, includingin 5G mobile and in-car technology.
高通CEO史蒂夫·莫伦科夫(Steve Mollenkopf)坚称,公司“不会为目前的形势牺牲未来的发展,每年还将在研发上投入逾40亿美元,包括5G技术和车载技术的研发。
Qualcomm, the $105bn chipmaker under pressurefrom an activist investor, said it would slash itsworkforce, shift activity to low-cost countries and consider a break-up, amid a slowdown in chipdemand.
The company also announced that it would add three new directors to its board and shake upexecutive compensation, agreeing to a slate of demands from the activist hedge fund JanaPartners.
高通还同意了维权对冲基金加纳伙伴基金(Jana Partners)的一系列要求,宣布将向董事会增加3名成员,并调整高管薪酬。
Qualcomm has been under pressure since Jana took a $2bn stake in the company in April,demanding cost cuts and the possible separation of the patent licensing arm that accounts fortwo-thirds of earnings.
The company, which employs 31,000 workers worldwide, said it would cut $1.1bn a year fromits $7.3bn in annual costs by reducing full-time and temporary workers. The cuts could resultin up to 4,500 job losses before the end of 2023.
Steve Mollenkopf, chief executive, insisted the company was “not sacrificing the future for thepresent and would still spend more than $4bn annually on research and development, includingin 5G mobile and in-car technology.
高通CEO史蒂夫·莫伦科夫(Steve Mollenkopf)坚称,公司“不会为目前的形势牺牲未来的发展,每年还将在研发上投入逾40亿美元,包括5G技术和车载技术的研发。