The leaders of the Brics – Brazil, Russia, India, Chinaand South Africa – held their seventh annual summitamid deep scepticism about their once-promisinggrowth story. While Russia may have been the host of the show, the real engine behind thesummit, and the changes taking place across the emerging world, is China.
Right now, the Brics face serious cyclical and structural challenges and India seems to be theonly bright spot in the club. Russia, Brazil and South Africa are either in recession ordangerously close to it. China is struggling to maintain its growth momentum as it tries torebalance its economy. All need to implement deep and difficult structural reforms if they wantto increase their long term growth potential and live up to the Brics dream as it was envisionedin the early 2000s.
Yet, over the last 15 years, the Brics story has been little short of spectacular. In 2001, whenthe term was coined, their combined GDP was a quarter of that of the US. Now, it is almost ona par. What was little more than a loose concept has given rise to institutions such as the BricsBank and the Contingent Reserve Agreement. Regular dialogue is taking place among the fivecountries above and beyond their regular summits.
然而,过去15年,金砖国家的故事并不缺少壮举。2001年,当“金砖国家这个词首次出现时,这些国家的国内生产总值(GDP)总额为美国的四分之一。如今,它们几乎可与美国比肩。这个不过是个松散概念的词汇,促成了“金砖银行(Brics Bank)以及应急储备安排(Contingent Reserve Agreement)等机制的诞生。除了定期峰会以外,金砖5国还在定期举行对话。
But the Brics are not a club of equals and their balance of power has changed radically overtime. China’s GDP is now almost 60 per cent larger than the other four countries combined. In2001, it was 10 per cent smaller. More importantly, and in a stark departure from its usualrestraint, China has decided to play a more assertive role in the pursuit of its global financialagenda. Indeed, 2023 is likely to go down in the financial history books as the year when Chinaawoke.
This change of attitude is partly due to the frustration caused by a lack of progress inreforming the Bretton Woods institutions, and particularly by Washington’s continued inabilityto ratify reforms that were supposed to give additional IMF voting rights to emergingcountries, most notably to China which currently has less voting rights than the Beneluxcountries.
这种态度的转变在一定程度上源于对布雷顿森林(Bretton Woods)机构改革缺乏进展感到失望,尤其是美国一直没能批准将国际货币基金组织(IMF)更多投票权赋予新兴国家的改革措施,特别是赋予中国更多投票权,中国目前的投票权低于比利时、荷兰和卢森堡三国之和。
Faced with such paralysis, at a time when development banks are more needed than ever totackle the challenges of infrastructure and sustainable development finance, China has decidedto organize things for itself and to promote a set of new financial institutions. Three havebeen formally established: the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which has beencapitalized with $100bn dollars and is headquartered in Beijing; the New Development Bank(Brics Bank), based in Shanghai and with starting capital of $50bn; and an associatedContingent Reserve Arrangement of $100bn, which will receive up to $41bn from China.
面对这种无所作为,在全球比任何时候都更需要开发银行,来解决基础设施和可持续开发性金融面临的挑战之际,中国决定自己组织力量,推动一系列新的金融机构的设立。中国已正式创建了3个机构:亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB),法定资本为1000亿美元,总部位于北京;新开发银行(New Development Bank,即“金砖银行),总部设在上海,初始资本为500亿美元;以及配套的应急储备安排,规模为1000亿美元,中国最高出资410亿美元。
In addition is a Silk Road fund with $40bn of capital put up exclusively by China. It will beused for equity investments in infrastructure projects on land and sea that, like the old SilkRoad, will further connect China with Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and beyond.
此外还有总规模为400亿美元的丝路基金(Silk Road fund),完全由中国出资。该基金将用于陆地和海上基础设施项目的股权投资,与过去的“丝绸之路一样,这些设施将进一步加强中国与中亚、中东、非洲、欧洲以及其他国家的联系。
China, then, is spearheading the development of a group of institutions within the region andmore broadly within emerging markets that will contribute to financing economicdevelopment and to sustaining financial and commercial dynamism. If they are successful,these institutions will increase the potential growth rate of the region, will consolidate China’scentral role in it and will help the country find new engines of growth at a time when itstraditional engines are sputtering.
To strengthen the entire architecture, Beijing is determined to give the renminbi a central roleas a trade and investment currency. In the last five years, tremendous progress has beenachieved on this front. From virtually zero, 25 per cent of China’s international trade and 30 percent of its direct investment abroad are now denominated in renminbi. The renminbi has becomeone of the most widely used currencies, particularly in Asia. To facilitate its use and to ensureits liquidity, China has signed currency swap agreements with close to 30 countries and hasset up RMB clearing centres on all continents. Finally, China has forcefully expressed its wishthat its currency should be included in the SDR basket as part of the ongoing revision processto accelerate its rise as a reserve currency. The infrastructure underpinning theinternationalization of the renminbi is rapidly taking shape across the world and will culminatewith its wide acceptance as a reserve currency.
This being China, there is an element of pragmatism in the promotion of these institutions.China is seeding different entities and will likely provide the greatest support over time to theones that, by its own criteria, are the most successful. For the time being, there is clearly acoincidence of interests among the Brics and Chinese dominance serves the other memberswell, as does the creation of an alternative system to Bretton Woods. The mobilisation ofcapital to spur their development and strengthen their resilience is very welcome at a timewhen liquidity is likely to become tighter and, in the case of Russia, sanctions are biting. Overthe longer term, however, Chinese dominance over the Brics will likely create tensions assignificant strategic differences between the members become more visible.
Yet the historical importance of these developments should not be missed. As China lays out aweb of new trade and capital routes which connect Asia with the Middle East, Africa and LatinAmerica, it positions itself at the centre of a new growth dynamic linking 85 per cent of theworld’s population.
The leaders of the Brics – Brazil, Russia, India, Chinaand South Africa – held their seventh annual summitamid deep scepticism about their once-promisinggrowth story. While Russia may have been the host of the show, the real engine behind thesummit, and the changes taking place across the emerging world, is China.
Right now, the Brics face serious cyclical and structural challenges and India seems to be theonly bright spot in the club. Russia, Brazil and South Africa are either in recession ordangerously close to it. China is struggling to maintain its growth momentum as it tries torebalance its economy. All need to implement deep and difficult structural reforms if they wantto increase their long term growth potential and live up to the Brics dream as it was envisionedin the early 2000s.
Yet, over the last 15 years, the Brics story has been little short of spectacular. In 2001, whenthe term was coined, their combined GDP was a quarter of that of the US. Now, it is almost ona par. What was little more than a loose concept has given rise to institutions such as the BricsBank and the Contingent Reserve Agreement. Regular dialogue is taking place among the fivecountries above and beyond their regular summits.
然而,过去15年,金砖国家的故事并不缺少壮举。2001年,当“金砖国家这个词首次出现时,这些国家的国内生产总值(GDP)总额为美国的四分之一。如今,它们几乎可与美国比肩。这个不过是个松散概念的词汇,促成了“金砖银行(Brics Bank)以及应急储备安排(Contingent Reserve Agreement)等机制的诞生。除了定期峰会以外,金砖5国还在定期举行对话。
But the Brics are not a club of equals and their balance of power has changed radically overtime. China’s GDP is now almost 60 per cent larger than the other four countries combined. In2001, it was 10 per cent smaller. More importantly, and in a stark departure from its usualrestraint, China has decided to play a more assertive role in the pursuit of its global financialagenda. Indeed, 2023 is likely to go down in the financial history books as the year when Chinaawoke.
This change of attitude is partly due to the frustration caused by a lack of progress inreforming the Bretton Woods institutions, and particularly by Washington’s continued inabilityto ratify reforms that were supposed to give additional IMF voting rights to emergingcountries, most notably to China which currently has less voting rights than the Beneluxcountries.
这种态度的转变在一定程度上源于对布雷顿森林(Bretton Woods)机构改革缺乏进展感到失望,尤其是美国一直没能批准将国际货币基金组织(IMF)更多投票权赋予新兴国家的改革措施,特别是赋予中国更多投票权,中国目前的投票权低于比利时、荷兰和卢森堡三国之和。
Faced with such paralysis, at a time when development banks are more needed than ever totackle the challenges of infrastructure and sustainable development finance, China has decidedto organize things for itself and to promote a set of new financial institutions. Three havebeen formally established: the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which has beencapitalized with $100bn dollars and is headquartered in Beijing; the New Development Bank(Brics Bank), based in Shanghai and with starting capital of $50bn; and an associatedContingent Reserve Arrangement of $100bn, which will receive up to $41bn from China.
面对这种无所作为,在全球比任何时候都更需要开发银行,来解决基础设施和可持续开发性金融面临的挑战之际,中国决定自己组织力量,推动一系列新的金融机构的设立。中国已正式创建了3个机构:亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB),法定资本为1000亿美元,总部位于北京;新开发银行(New Development Bank,即“金砖银行),总部设在上海,初始资本为500亿美元;以及配套的应急储备安排,规模为1000亿美元,中国最高出资410亿美元。
In addition is a Silk Road fund with $40bn of capital put up exclusively by China. It will beused for equity investments in infrastructure projects on land and sea that, like the old SilkRoad, will further connect China with Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and beyond.
此外还有总规模为400亿美元的丝路基金(Silk Road fund),完全由中国出资。该基金将用于陆地和海上基础设施项目的股权投资,与过去的“丝绸之路一样,这些设施将进一步加强中国与中亚、中东、非洲、欧洲以及其他国家的联系。
China, then, is spearheading the development of a group of institutions within the region andmore broadly within emerging markets that will contribute to financing economicdevelopment and to sustaining financial and commercial dynamism. If they are successful,these institutions will increase the potential growth rate of the region, will consolidate China’scentral role in it and will help the country find new engines of growth at a time when itstraditional engines are sputtering.
To strengthen the entire architecture, Beijing is determined to give the renminbi a central roleas a trade and investment currency. In the last five years, tremendous progress has beenachieved on this front. From virtually zero, 25 per cent of China’s international trade and 30 percent of its direct investment abroad are now denominated in renminbi. The renminbi has becomeone of the most widely used currencies, particularly in Asia. To facilitate its use and to ensureits liquidity, China has signed currency swap agreements with close to 30 countries and hasset up RMB clearing centres on all continents. Finally, China has forcefully expressed its wishthat its currency should be included in the SDR basket as part of the ongoing revision processto accelerate its rise as a reserve currency. The infrastructure underpinning theinternationalization of the renminbi is rapidly taking shape across the world and will culminatewith its wide acceptance as a reserve currency.
This being China, there is an element of pragmatism in the promotion of these institutions.China is seeding different entities and will likely provide the greatest support over time to theones that, by its own criteria, are the most successful. For the time being, there is clearly acoincidence of interests among the Brics and Chinese dominance serves the other memberswell, as does the creation of an alternative system to Bretton Woods. The mobilisation ofcapital to spur their development and strengthen their resilience is very welcome at a timewhen liquidity is likely to become tighter and, in the case of Russia, sanctions are biting. Overthe longer term, however, Chinese dominance over the Brics will likely create tensions assignificant strategic differences between the members become more visible.
Yet the historical importance of these developments should not be missed. As China lays out aweb of new trade and capital routes which connect Asia with the Middle East, Africa and LatinAmerica, it positions itself at the centre of a new growth dynamic linking 85 per cent of theworld’s population.