One year into its embargo on western foodproducts, Russia has launched a controversialcampaign to destroy all contraband meat, dairy and produce, using on-the-spot incinerators,dump trucks, rollers and meat grinders.
On Thursday, three federal agencies began confiscating and burning hundreds of tonnes ofillicit cheese, fruit and other goods, acting on a decree signed by Vladimir Putin. Incinerators todestroy the food have been placed at Russian border points stretching from Kaliningrad in thewest to St Petersburg in the north and Altai in the east.
周四,三家俄联邦机构开始遵照俄总统弗拉基米尔渠京(Vladimir Putin)签署的法令,没收并焚烧数百吨非法奶酪、水果和其他商品。销毁禁运食品的焚烧炉设置在俄边境口岸,从西部的加里宁格勒到北部的圣彼得堡和东部的阿尔泰。
By mid-afternoon on Thursday, Russia’s agricultural watchdog announced that it had alreadydestroyed 55 tonnes of peaches, nectarines and tomatoes in Smolensk; 20 tonnes of cheese inOrenburg; and nine tonnes of cheese in Belgorod.
In Moscow, the agency said it seized 28 tonnes of meat products from Canada, the Netherlandsand Germany and 28 tonnes of Polish apples and tomatoes.
“This work will be performed every day. This is not a one stage campaign — this is seriouswork, Alexei Alekseenko, a deputy for the agricultural watchdog, told a Russian radio outlet.While the crackdown was once jokingly billed as a war against prosciutto and Parmesan, it hastaken on more sinister undertones with the new destruction campaign.
俄农业监管部门副主管阿列克谢阿列克谢延科(Alexei Alekseenko)告诉俄一家电台:“这项工作每天都将进行。这不是一项阶段性运动,而是一项严肃的工作。
A Duma deputy from Russia’s pro-Kremlin party has proposed a new bill that would makeimporting sanctioned food products into Russia a criminal offence, carrying a prison sentenceof up to 12 years, while a vigilante youth group has begun conducting raids on Russiansupermarkets searching for banned European and US products.
The campaign has also prompted questions about wilfully destroying food in a country wheremore than a tenth of the population lives below the poverty line and many endured thefamine of the second world war and food shortages during the Soviet era.
More than 270,000 have signed an online petition on the website change.org asking for thefood not to be destroyed but to be distributed instead to pensioners, veterans and thedisabled.
Under Mr Putin’s new decree, Russian authorities now have the right to destroy any sanctionedfood that has made its way into restaurants or grocery stores, closing an earlier loophole in theembargo that made it illegal to transport sanctioned food products into Russia but not to sellthem once they had arrived.
“The presidential decree is to take effect, and it must be enforced, Mr Putin’s spokesman,Dmitry Peskov, told reporters, saying it was not clear whether all 270,000 signatories were realRussians.
普京的发言人德米特里椠斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)告诉记者:“总统令将开始生效,而且必须得到执行。他表示,现在还不清楚那27万请愿者是否真的都是俄罗斯人。
Russia banned most EU and US produce, meat and dairy last August in retaliation againstwestern sanctions. Meant as a two-pronged move to both punish the west and boost Russia’sown battered agricultural industry, the embargo has had a mixed effect.
One year into its embargo on western foodproducts, Russia has launched a controversialcampaign to destroy all contraband meat, dairy and produce, using on-the-spot incinerators,dump trucks, rollers and meat grinders.
On Thursday, three federal agencies began confiscating and burning hundreds of tonnes ofillicit cheese, fruit and other goods, acting on a decree signed by Vladimir Putin. Incinerators todestroy the food have been placed at Russian border points stretching from Kaliningrad in thewest to St Petersburg in the north and Altai in the east.
周四,三家俄联邦机构开始遵照俄总统弗拉基米尔渠京(Vladimir Putin)签署的法令,没收并焚烧数百吨非法奶酪、水果和其他商品。销毁禁运食品的焚烧炉设置在俄边境口岸,从西部的加里宁格勒到北部的圣彼得堡和东部的阿尔泰。
By mid-afternoon on Thursday, Russia’s agricultural watchdog announced that it had alreadydestroyed 55 tonnes of peaches, nectarines and tomatoes in Smolensk; 20 tonnes of cheese inOrenburg; and nine tonnes of cheese in Belgorod.
In Moscow, the agency said it seized 28 tonnes of meat products from Canada, the Netherlandsand Germany and 28 tonnes of Polish apples and tomatoes.
“This work will be performed every day. This is not a one stage campaign — this is seriouswork, Alexei Alekseenko, a deputy for the agricultural watchdog, told a Russian radio outlet.While the crackdown was once jokingly billed as a war against prosciutto and Parmesan, it hastaken on more sinister undertones with the new destruction campaign.
俄农业监管部门副主管阿列克谢阿列克谢延科(Alexei Alekseenko)告诉俄一家电台:“这项工作每天都将进行。这不是一项阶段性运动,而是一项严肃的工作。
A Duma deputy from Russia’s pro-Kremlin party has proposed a new bill that would makeimporting sanctioned food products into Russia a criminal offence, carrying a prison sentenceof up to 12 years, while a vigilante youth group has begun conducting raids on Russiansupermarkets searching for banned European and US products.
The campaign has also prompted questions about wilfully destroying food in a country wheremore than a tenth of the population lives below the poverty line and many endured thefamine of the second world war and food shortages during the Soviet era.
More than 270,000 have signed an online petition on the website change.org asking for thefood not to be destroyed but to be distributed instead to pensioners, veterans and thedisabled.
Under Mr Putin’s new decree, Russian authorities now have the right to destroy any sanctionedfood that has made its way into restaurants or grocery stores, closing an earlier loophole in theembargo that made it illegal to transport sanctioned food products into Russia but not to sellthem once they had arrived.
“The presidential decree is to take effect, and it must be enforced, Mr Putin’s spokesman,Dmitry Peskov, told reporters, saying it was not clear whether all 270,000 signatories were realRussians.
普京的发言人德米特里椠斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)告诉记者:“总统令将开始生效,而且必须得到执行。他表示,现在还不清楚那27万请愿者是否真的都是俄罗斯人。
Russia banned most EU and US produce, meat and dairy last August in retaliation againstwestern sanctions. Meant as a two-pronged move to both punish the west and boost Russia’sown battered agricultural industry, the embargo has had a mixed effect.