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  The real fight begins真正的战斗打响了

  As a government shutdown looms, an attempt tograpple with Americas long-term deficit problems isat last under way


  CONGRESS may not be very good at passingbudgets, but that is not for lack of discussion ofthem. This week it was by three overlappingbudgetary debates: about a continuing resolutionto keep the government up and running for the restof this fiscal year, about next years budget and about whether to raise the legal limit on thefederal governments debt. Lawmakers have just under six months to sort out next yearsbudget, and under six weeks before Americas debt reaches the current ceiling. But without anew resolution, the governments authority to spend will expire at midnight on April 8th,forcing much of it to shut up shop. As The Economist went to press, the Republicans who runthe House of Representatives, the Democrats who run the Senate and Barack Obama himselfwere holding last-ditch talks, but also warning their staffs to prepare for a shutdown.


  This cliffhanger is the culmination of months of fiscal bickering, punctuated by stopgapcontinuing resolutions. Since February the Republicans have been holding out for $61 billion incuts to this years budget, including assaults on favoured Democratic causes such as publicbroadcasting . The Democrats argue that their proposal is too extreme, toopolitical, and too narrowly focused. The previous two continuing resolutions, which hadlifespans of two and three weeks respectively, were intended to allow the two sides enoughtime to hammer out a compromise for the rest of the year.


  Predictably, much of that time was instead spentgrandstanding. The House recently passed a billstating that if the Senate did not pass a budget ofits own, the Houses $61 billion cut, which theSenate had already rejected, should become lawanyway. Needless to say, the Senate did notembrace this idea. House Republicans then took toprotesting on the Senate steps each day, calling onthe Democrats leader in that chamber, Harry Reid,to resign. Meanwhile, a group of tea-party activiststhreatened dire vengeance on any Republicans whovoted for anything less than the full $61 billion of cuts. A bipartisan group of 64 of the 100senators sent Mr Obama a letter asking him to find a solution to their problems. Mr Obamacalled Congresss failure to pass a budget inexcusable and said that he would summon theleaders of its two chambers to the White House every day for talks until a deal was done.

  不难预测,大部分时间都被浪费在哗众取宠上了。众议院最近通过了一项议案,该议案指出:如果参议院否决众议院的预算实际上参议院早已否决该预算 那该预算必将通过,具有法律效力。无需多言,参议院不接受这一建议。众议院的共和党人随后每天都抗议参议院的决议,要求参议院民主党领导人哈里瑞德辞职。同时,一群茶党思想的激进分子威胁称将对任何支持610亿美元以下预算削减方案的共和党人实施极端报复。由100位参议员中的64位组成的两党联立组织向奥巴马总统致信一封,要求总统寻求问题的解决方案。奥巴马总统则称国会未能通过预算方案难辞其咎,并表示以后每天他将召见参众两院领导人到白宫进行商讨,直至达成协议之日。

  A man with a plan谋略之士

  It was into this maelstrom that Paul Ryan, the Republican who heads the House BudgetCommittee, released his proposed budget for next year on April 5th. He claimed it would slashspending by $6.2 trillion over the next ten years and the projected deficit by $4.4 trillionrelative to the proposal the president unveiled in February. All of this would place Americasfinances on a sounder paththough critics note that Mr Ryans figures are based on somehighly implausible assumptions, such as a prompt collapse in the unemployment rate and asurge in growth thanks to lower taxes. Whereas under the presidents plan debt wouldcontinue to rise steadily towards 100% of GDP, Mr Ryans would supposedly see it peak justshy of 75% of GDP in 2023 and decline thereafter.

  正是在这一大混乱背景之下,共和党人保罗瑞恩众议院预算委员会主席于4月5日提出了下一年度的财政预算方案。他表示该方案将在未来十年内大幅削减政府支出,减幅达6.2万亿美元;与奥巴马总统今年二月份提出的方案相比,该方案预计将削减赤字达4.4万亿美元。所有这些措施都将使美国财政回归平稳运行轨道 尽管批评家指责瑞恩先生的数据是基于可信度极低的假设之上的例如降低税率带来的失业率迅速下降、经济上涨。而在总统的计划中,债务将持续稳步增长至与国内生产总值相当的水平。瑞恩先生的方案中,债务占国内生产总值的比重最高峰将于2023年勉强达到75%,随后开始下降。

  The Republicans claim to be able to achieve this feat by taking an axe to two of the biggestand most politically sensitive items in the budget: Medicare, government subsidised health-care for the elderly, and Medicaid, its equivalent for the poor. . These three entitlements alreadyaccount for over 40% of government spending and are growing so fast that they willtheoretically consume all government revenue within a few decades.



  The real fight begins真正的战斗打响了

  As a government shutdown looms, an attempt tograpple with Americas long-term deficit problems isat last under way


  CONGRESS may not be very good at passingbudgets, but that is not for lack of discussion ofthem. This week it was by three overlappingbudgetary debates: about a continuing resolutionto keep the government up and running for the restof this fiscal year, about next years budget and about whether to raise the legal limit on thefederal governments debt. Lawmakers have just under six months to sort out next yearsbudget, and under six weeks before Americas debt reaches the current ceiling. But without anew resolution, the governments authority to spend will expire at midnight on April 8th,forcing much of it to shut up shop. As The Economist went to press, the Republicans who runthe House of Representatives, the Democrats who run the Senate and Barack Obama himselfwere holding last-ditch talks, but also warning their staffs to prepare for a shutdown.


  This cliffhanger is the culmination of months of fiscal bickering, punctuated by stopgapcontinuing resolutions. Since February the Republicans have been holding out for $61 billion incuts to this years budget, including assaults on favoured Democratic causes such as publicbroadcasting . The Democrats argue that their proposal is too extreme, toopolitical, and too narrowly focused. The previous two continuing resolutions, which hadlifespans of two and three weeks respectively, were intended to allow the two sides enoughtime to hammer out a compromise for the rest of the year.


  Predictably, much of that time was instead spentgrandstanding. The House recently passed a billstating that if the Senate did not pass a budget ofits own, the Houses $61 billion cut, which theSenate had already rejected, should become lawanyway. Needless to say, the Senate did notembrace this idea. House Republicans then took toprotesting on the Senate steps each day, calling onthe Democrats leader in that chamber, Harry Reid,to resign. Meanwhile, a group of tea-party activiststhreatened dire vengeance on any Republicans whovoted for anything less than the full $61 billion of cuts. A bipartisan group of 64 of the 100senators sent Mr Obama a letter asking him to find a solution to their problems. Mr Obamacalled Congresss failure to pass a budget inexcusable and said that he would summon theleaders of its two chambers to the White House every day for talks until a deal was done.

  不难预测,大部分时间都被浪费在哗众取宠上了。众议院最近通过了一项议案,该议案指出:如果参议院否决众议院的预算实际上参议院早已否决该预算 那该预算必将通过,具有法律效力。无需多言,参议院不接受这一建议。众议院的共和党人随后每天都抗议参议院的决议,要求参议院民主党领导人哈里瑞德辞职。同时,一群茶党思想的激进分子威胁称将对任何支持610亿美元以下预算削减方案的共和党人实施极端报复。由100位参议员中的64位组成的两党联立组织向奥巴马总统致信一封,要求总统寻求问题的解决方案。奥巴马总统则称国会未能通过预算方案难辞其咎,并表示以后每天他将召见参众两院领导人到白宫进行商讨,直至达成协议之日。

  A man with a plan谋略之士

  It was into this maelstrom that Paul Ryan, the Republican who heads the House BudgetCommittee, released his proposed budget for next year on April 5th. He claimed it would slashspending by $6.2 trillion over the next ten years and the projected deficit by $4.4 trillionrelative to the proposal the president unveiled in February. All of this would place Americasfinances on a sounder paththough critics note that Mr Ryans figures are based on somehighly implausible assumptions, such as a prompt collapse in the unemployment rate and asurge in growth thanks to lower taxes. Whereas under the presidents plan debt wouldcontinue to rise steadily towards 100% of GDP, Mr Ryans would supposedly see it peak justshy of 75% of GDP in 2023 and decline thereafter.

  正是在这一大混乱背景之下,共和党人保罗瑞恩众议院预算委员会主席于4月5日提出了下一年度的财政预算方案。他表示该方案将在未来十年内大幅削减政府支出,减幅达6.2万亿美元;与奥巴马总统今年二月份提出的方案相比,该方案预计将削减赤字达4.4万亿美元。所有这些措施都将使美国财政回归平稳运行轨道 尽管批评家指责瑞恩先生的数据是基于可信度极低的假设之上的例如降低税率带来的失业率迅速下降、经济上涨。而在总统的计划中,债务将持续稳步增长至与国内生产总值相当的水平。瑞恩先生的方案中,债务占国内生产总值的比重最高峰将于2023年勉强达到75%,随后开始下降。

  The Republicans claim to be able to achieve this feat by taking an axe to two of the biggestand most politically sensitive items in the budget: Medicare, government subsidised health-care for the elderly, and Medicaid, its equivalent for the poor. . These three entitlements alreadyaccount for over 40% of government spending and are growing so fast that they willtheoretically consume all government revenue within a few decades.



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