Plutonium and Mickey Mouse钚与米奇鼠
Japans nuclear crisis drags on, exposing profoundfailures both at the company and in national energypolicy
IT IS daylight, but the darkness inside theheadquarters of the worlds biggest privately ownedelectricity company is sepulchral. Officials, headsbowed, apologise in whispers for the trouble TokyoElectric Power has caused. Their 66-year-old boss, Masataka Shimizu, went intohospital on March 30th, suffering from hypertension; he has been absent for much of the pastthree weeks. In the gloom TEPCOs logo on the walls of the building resembles a mutant MickeyMouse.
About 250km away, at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear-power plant, hundreds of TEPCOemployees and some subcontractors are trying to prevent further leaks of radioactive materialfrom three damaged nuclear reactors and various sources of spent fuel. Their conditions areclose to intolerable. At times, they have been exposed to more radiation in a few hours thanthey are supposed to endure in a year. Their rations are biscuits and canned food. They have ablanket each, and sleep on the floor. Some have lost homes and families to the tsunami thatleft 27,690 dead or missing. TEPCO sees them as soldiers. We dont think they are heroes.They are doing what they should, an official says.
TEPCO is getting most of the blame for Japans nuclear disaster. For much of the past threeweeks, the authorities have held out hopes that they could regain control by reconnectingcooling systems damaged by the tsunami. These are supposed to prevent fuel from meltingand rupturing the protective steel case of the reactor vessels.
This week the discovery of large pools of highly radioactive water and raised levels of radiationin seawater near the plant has shown how far the authorities really are from regaining control.Previous releases of radioactive iodine and caesium had shown that material from the core ofat least one reactor has been released. The new findings suggest that the systems designed tocontain such releases may have been badly compromised. The tanks into which contaminatedwater is being pumped will eventually fill up. And conditions for workers are getting moredangerous, which means that fixing up the cooling systems and hooking up vital measuringinstruments takes longer.
The plant is so woefully damaged that TEPCO officialscannot say when the crisis will be over. Levels ofradiation have mostly been subsiding, thoughunevenly spread. But reports on March 31strevealed that radiation in a village 40km awayexceeded criteria for evacuation and the UNsnuclear watchdog suggested the government mightwiden the 20km evacuation zone. All this hascompounded worries that the area round the plantmay remain unsafe for years.
There is plenty of blame to go around. TEPCO wrongly measured radiated waters in one of theturbine halls at 10m times normal level, rather than the still-alarming 100,000 times.Subcontractors working for TEPCO reportedly complained about the safety of their workers onsite. Three electricians accidentally stepped into a dangerous puddle on March 24th. In one signof unpreparedness, the gauge that measured the radioactivity of water afterwards could notgo higher than 1,000 millisieverts an hour, about the level at which radiation becomes animmediate threat to health.
Plutonium and Mickey Mouse钚与米奇鼠
Japans nuclear crisis drags on, exposing profoundfailures both at the company and in national energypolicy
IT IS daylight, but the darkness inside theheadquarters of the worlds biggest privately ownedelectricity company is sepulchral. Officials, headsbowed, apologise in whispers for the trouble TokyoElectric Power has caused. Their 66-year-old boss, Masataka Shimizu, went intohospital on March 30th, suffering from hypertension; he has been absent for much of the pastthree weeks. In the gloom TEPCOs logo on the walls of the building resembles a mutant MickeyMouse.
About 250km away, at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear-power plant, hundreds of TEPCOemployees and some subcontractors are trying to prevent further leaks of radioactive materialfrom three damaged nuclear reactors and various sources of spent fuel. Their conditions areclose to intolerable. At times, they have been exposed to more radiation in a few hours thanthey are supposed to endure in a year. Their rations are biscuits and canned food. They have ablanket each, and sleep on the floor. Some have lost homes and families to the tsunami thatleft 27,690 dead or missing. TEPCO sees them as soldiers. We dont think they are heroes.They are doing what they should, an official says.
TEPCO is getting most of the blame for Japans nuclear disaster. For much of the past threeweeks, the authorities have held out hopes that they could regain control by reconnectingcooling systems damaged by the tsunami. These are supposed to prevent fuel from meltingand rupturing the protective steel case of the reactor vessels.
This week the discovery of large pools of highly radioactive water and raised levels of radiationin seawater near the plant has shown how far the authorities really are from regaining control.Previous releases of radioactive iodine and caesium had shown that material from the core ofat least one reactor has been released. The new findings suggest that the systems designed tocontain such releases may have been badly compromised. The tanks into which contaminatedwater is being pumped will eventually fill up. And conditions for workers are getting moredangerous, which means that fixing up the cooling systems and hooking up vital measuringinstruments takes longer.
The plant is so woefully damaged that TEPCO officialscannot say when the crisis will be over. Levels ofradiation have mostly been subsiding, thoughunevenly spread. But reports on March 31strevealed that radiation in a village 40km awayexceeded criteria for evacuation and the UNsnuclear watchdog suggested the government mightwiden the 20km evacuation zone. All this hascompounded worries that the area round the plantmay remain unsafe for years.
There is plenty of blame to go around. TEPCO wrongly measured radiated waters in one of theturbine halls at 10m times normal level, rather than the still-alarming 100,000 times.Subcontractors working for TEPCO reportedly complained about the safety of their workers onsite. Three electricians accidentally stepped into a dangerous puddle on March 24th. In one signof unpreparedness, the gauge that measured the radioactivity of water afterwards could notgo higher than 1,000 millisieverts an hour, about the level at which radiation becomes animmediate threat to health.