171. But its easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.
172. The fridges effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant.
173. It may then take us a long time to render it intelligent by loading in the right software or by altering the architecture but that too will happen.
174. As the intelligence of robots increase to match that of humans and as their cost declines through economies of scale we may use them to expand our frontiers.
175. Further ahead, by a combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be within our power.
171. But its easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.
172. The fridges effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant.
173. It may then take us a long time to render it intelligent by loading in the right software or by altering the architecture but that too will happen.
174. As the intelligence of robots increase to match that of humans and as their cost declines through economies of scale we may use them to expand our frontiers.
175. Further ahead, by a combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be within our power.