The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette.
The population on Balmer Island doubles during the summer months. During the summer, then, the town council of Balmer Island should decrease the maximum number of moped rentals allowed at each of the islands six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day. This will significantly reduce the number of summertime accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians. The neighboring island of Torseau actually saw a 50 percent reduction in moped accidents last year when Torseaus town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals. To help reduce moped accidents, therefore, we should also enforce these limitations during the summer months.
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
b岛的人口在夏季翻了一番。b岛市政府应该限制岛上夏季助力车租赁公司的租车数量,从原来的每天50量减少到25量, 这将有助于减少由助力车和行人引发的事故。 去年邻近T岛市政府通过限制出租数量,助力车事故减少50%的。为了减少助力车事故,因此我们也应该采取相同的政策。
此上就是新版gre写作新题库 argument173的内容从今天起小编就给大家连续提供新版gre写作新题库argument部分的内容。希望大家能够在练习中提高自己的写作水平。
The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette.
The population on Balmer Island doubles during the summer months. During the summer, then, the town council of Balmer Island should decrease the maximum number of moped rentals allowed at each of the islands six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day. This will significantly reduce the number of summertime accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians. The neighboring island of Torseau actually saw a 50 percent reduction in moped accidents last year when Torseaus town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals. To help reduce moped accidents, therefore, we should also enforce these limitations during the summer months.
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
b岛的人口在夏季翻了一番。b岛市政府应该限制岛上夏季助力车租赁公司的租车数量,从原来的每天50量减少到25量, 这将有助于减少由助力车和行人引发的事故。 去年邻近T岛市政府通过限制出租数量,助力车事故减少50%的。为了减少助力车事故,因此我们也应该采取相同的政策。
此上就是新版gre写作新题库 argument173的内容从今天起小编就给大家连续提供新版gre写作新题库argument部分的内容。希望大家能够在练习中提高自己的写作水平。