情景英语?闪电在货车周围炸开时,情景异常壮观。2. Elaborate efforts were made to reconstruct what had happened.为重现当时的情景,他们做了大量细致的工作。那么,情景英语?一起来了解一下吧。
【 #小学英语#导语】天高鸟飞,海阔鱼跃,学习这舞台,秀出你独特的精彩用好分秒时间,积累点滴知识,解决疑难问题,学会塌激举一反三。以下是为大家整理的《小学激衫返英语英语情景对话【三篇】》 供您查阅。
Making a Phone Call 打电话
Suji: June,I'm sorry. I think I don't be able to go to the airport to see you off.
June: Oh,don't worry about that.I'll definitely okay.
Suji: Well,I really wanted to go,but I have a terrible cold.What time will you leave home?June: As soon as my father get home. Anyway,I understand you.Just take care of yourself.We can say our goodbye right here and now.
Suji: Okay, June. Have a wonderful trip.
June: Thank you very much. I should say goodbye for now.
Nancy:Have a nice weekend!
Jerry:Thanks. You too!
Nancy:Do you have any plans?
Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you?
Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.
John:Have you had a good time these past few days?
Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place.
John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want.
scene one, scene two
"Scene 1", "Scene 2 "......
Scene 1
Scene 2
场景 英语怎么说?
A scene emerges in my mid immediately.(emerge:浮现)
或A scene strikes me immediately.(strike: 突然被想到)
笑翻了:laugh out of breath
“场景1”在英文里怎么说?拜托各位差答了 3Q
chapter 1. 这个是标准的,我大学英语6及放心吧
the situation at that time
the scene of that time
situation, 情势,情态。
1. It was unbelievably dramatic as lightning crackled all round the van.
2. Elaborate efforts were made to reconstruct what had happened.
3. He remembered mowing the lawn, lounging around the swimming pool.
4. Daydreams may seem to be rehearsals for real-life situations.
5. It was like a teacher disciplining a roomful of second-year pupils.
1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.
B; I'm very glad to meet you.
C: It's a pleasure to meet you.
B: How do you like Texas so far?
野陆或丛C: It's really different from what I expected.
B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.
2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois. B: How do you do?
C: Hello.
B: What's your impression of the United States?
C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.
B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon!
3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.
B: Hi.
C: Nice to meet you.
B: What do you think of Dallas?
C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.
B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess.
4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown.
B: Pleased to meet you.
C: How do you do?
B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here.
C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much.
B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.
1. A: Merry Christmas!
B: The same to you!
A: Are you doing anyting special?
颂团顷B: We're having some friends over. What are you doing?
A: Oh, I'm just going to take it easy.
2. A: Happy New Year!
B: Thank you! Same to you.
A: Have you got any plans?
B: I've been invited over to la friend's. And you?
A: My reemmate's having a party.
3. A: Have a nice Thanksgiving!
B: Same to you!
A: Are you going anywhere?
B: I thought about going to my sister's. How about you?
A: Oh, I'll probably just stay at home.
4. A: Have a nice weekend!
B: Thanks. You too!
A: Do you have any plans?
B: Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? A: Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.
1.A: I've come to say goodbye.
B: When are you off?
A: I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon.
B: Well, goodbye. See you soon.
A: Please don't forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.
2.A: I'd like to say goodbye to everyone.
B: What time are you going?
A: My plane leaves at 7:25.
B; Well, goodbye and have a good trip!
A: Goodbye. Remember to look me up if you're ever in Washington.
3.A; I'm calling to say goodbye.
B: When do you leave?
A: I'm catching the 11:00 train.
B: Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch.
A: Goodbye. Thanks again for everything.
4.A: I just dropped in to say goodbye.
B: What time are you leaving?
A: I'm going to try to leave by 10:00.
B: Take care and give my best to your parents.
A: Goodbye. Hope to see you again next year.
1. A: I haven't seen you for ages. You haven't been sich, have you?
B: No, I've been in California for the past month.
A: How nice. Where were you exactly?
B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.
2. A: It's nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs?
B: No, I've been visiting relatives.
A: That's nice. Where?
B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.
3. A: You haven't been around much lately, have you?
B: No, I've been away on vacation.
A: Oh? Where were you?
B: Palm Springs. I've got a cousin there.
4. A: Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved or something?
B: No, I went to California for a few weeks.
A: Oh, really? Where did you go?
B: Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother.