英文名著精选阅读:《小妇人》第四章:负担 第10节
英文名著精选阅读:《小妇人》第四章:负担 第10节
"I think beingdisgracedin school is a great dealtryingerthan anything bad boys can do," said Amy, shaking her head, as if her experience of life had been a deep one. "Susie Perkins came to school today with a lovely redcarnelianring. I wanted it dreadfully, and wished I was her with all my might. Well, she drew a picture of Mr. Davis, with a monstrous nose and a hump, and the words, 'Young ladies, my eye is upon you!' coming out of his mouth in a balloon thing. We were laughing over it when all of a sudden his eye was on us, and he ordered Susie to bring up her slate. She was paralylized with fright, but she went, and oh, what do you think he did? He took her by the ear--the ear! Just fancy how horrid!--and led her to therecitationplatform, and made her stand there half an hour, holding the slate so everyone could see."
"Didn't the girls laugh at the picture?" asked Jo, whorelishedthe scrape.
"Laugh? Not one! They sat still asmice, and Susie cried quarts, I know she did. I didn't envy her then, for I felt that millions of carnelian rings wouldn't have made me happy after that. I never, never should have got over such aagonizing mortification." And Amy went on with her work, in the proud consciousness of virtue and the successful utterance of two long words in a breath.
"I saw something I liked this morning, and I meant to tell it at dinner, but I forgot," said Beth, putting Jo'stopsy-turvybasket in order as she talked. "When I went to get someoystersfor Hannah, Mr. Laurence was in the fish shop, but he didn't see me, for I kept behind the fish barrel, and he was busy with Mr. Cutter the fishman. A poor woman came in with a pail and a mop, and asked Mr. Cutter if he would let her do some scrubbing for a bit of fish, because she hadn't any dinner for her children, and had been disappointed of a day's work. Mr. Cutter was in a hurry and said 'No', rather crossly, so she was going away, looking hungry and sorry, when Mr. Laurencehooked upa big fish with the crooked end of his cane and held it out to her. She was so glad and surprised she took it right into her arms, and thanked him over and over. He told her to 'go along and cook it', and she hurried off, so happy! Wasn't it good of him? Oh, she did look so funny, hugging the big,slipperyfish, and hoping Mr. Laurence's bed in heaven would be 'aisy'."
1.disgrace[dis'greis] n. 耻辱,不名誉 v. 耻辱,使 ... 失体面
He quit in disgrace over the bribe.
2.trying adj. 难受的,费劲的,令人厌烦的 动词try的现在分词
3.carnelian n. 红玉髓,玛瑙
4.recitation n. 背诵,详述,吟诵
His recitation was almost expressionless.
5.relish n. 滋味,享受,爱好,调味品 vt. 加调味料,享受,品味 vi. 有滋味
He didn't relish the prospect of having to explain his behavior.
6.mice[mais] n. 老鼠(复数)
I'm scared of mice.
7.agonizing adj. 苦恼的,痛苦难忍的 动词agonize的现在分词形式
8.mortification n. 耻辱,屈辱,禁欲,[医]坏疽
It is our nation's mortification.
9.topsy-turvy adv. 颠倒地,乱七八糟地 adj. 颠倒的 n. 颠倒(=topsy-turviness)
This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy.
10.oyster n. 牡蛎
Oyster is the only seafood I like; I dislike the rest.
牡蛎是我唯一喜欢吃的海味; 其余的我都不喜欢。
11.hook up 用钩钩住,将 ... 联接起来
The back of the dress hooks up.
12.slippery adj. 滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的
A wet road is usually slippery.
1.Well, she drew a picture of Mr. Davis, with a monstrous nose and a hump, and the words, 'Young ladies, my eye is upon you!' coming out of his mouth in a balloon thing. We were laughing over it when all of a sudden his eye was on us, and he ordered Susie to bring up her slate.
【难句解析】my eye is upon you相当于my eye is looking upon you;all of a sudden“突然;order sb. to do sth.“命令某人做某事;
2.I never, never should have got over such a agonizing mortification.
【难句解析】get over的意思是“熬过,克服;
英文名著精选阅读:《小妇人》第四章:负担 第10节
"I think beingdisgracedin school is a great dealtryingerthan anything bad boys can do," said Amy, shaking her head, as if her experience of life had been a deep one. "Susie Perkins came to school today with a lovely redcarnelianring. I wanted it dreadfully, and wished I was her with all my might. Well, she drew a picture of Mr. Davis, with a monstrous nose and a hump, and the words, 'Young ladies, my eye is upon you!' coming out of his mouth in a balloon thing. We were laughing over it when all of a sudden his eye was on us, and he ordered Susie to bring up her slate. She was paralylized with fright, but she went, and oh, what do you think he did? He took her by the ear--the ear! Just fancy how horrid!--and led her to therecitationplatform, and made her stand there half an hour, holding the slate so everyone could see."
"Didn't the girls laugh at the picture?" asked Jo, whorelishedthe scrape.
"Laugh? Not one! They sat still asmice, and Susie cried quarts, I know she did. I didn't envy her then, for I felt that millions of carnelian rings wouldn't have made me happy after that. I never, never should have got over such aagonizing mortification." And Amy went on with her work, in the proud consciousness of virtue and the successful utterance of two long words in a breath.
"I saw something I liked this morning, and I meant to tell it at dinner, but I forgot," said Beth, putting Jo'stopsy-turvybasket in order as she talked. "When I went to get someoystersfor Hannah, Mr. Laurence was in the fish shop, but he didn't see me, for I kept behind the fish barrel, and he was busy with Mr. Cutter the fishman. A poor woman came in with a pail and a mop, and asked Mr. Cutter if he would let her do some scrubbing for a bit of fish, because she hadn't any dinner for her children, and had been disappointed of a day's work. Mr. Cutter was in a hurry and said 'No', rather crossly, so she was going away, looking hungry and sorry, when Mr. Laurencehooked upa big fish with the crooked end of his cane and held it out to her. She was so glad and surprised she took it right into her arms, and thanked him over and over. He told her to 'go along and cook it', and she hurried off, so happy! Wasn't it good of him? Oh, she did look so funny, hugging the big,slipperyfish, and hoping Mr. Laurence's bed in heaven would be 'aisy'."
1.disgrace[dis'greis] n. 耻辱,不名誉 v. 耻辱,使 ... 失体面
He quit in disgrace over the bribe.
2.trying adj. 难受的,费劲的,令人厌烦的 动词try的现在分词
3.carnelian n. 红玉髓,玛瑙
4.recitation n. 背诵,详述,吟诵
His recitation was almost expressionless.
5.relish n. 滋味,享受,爱好,调味品 vt. 加调味料,享受,品味 vi. 有滋味
He didn't relish the prospect of having to explain his behavior.
6.mice[mais] n. 老鼠(复数)
I'm scared of mice.
7.agonizing adj. 苦恼的,痛苦难忍的 动词agonize的现在分词形式
8.mortification n. 耻辱,屈辱,禁欲,[医]坏疽
It is our nation's mortification.
9.topsy-turvy adv. 颠倒地,乱七八糟地 adj. 颠倒的 n. 颠倒(=topsy-turviness)
This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy.
10.oyster n. 牡蛎
Oyster is the only seafood I like; I dislike the rest.
牡蛎是我唯一喜欢吃的海味; 其余的我都不喜欢。
11.hook up 用钩钩住,将 ... 联接起来
The back of the dress hooks up.
12.slippery adj. 滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的
A wet road is usually slippery.
1.Well, she drew a picture of Mr. Davis, with a monstrous nose and a hump, and the words, 'Young ladies, my eye is upon you!' coming out of his mouth in a balloon thing. We were laughing over it when all of a sudden his eye was on us, and he ordered Susie to bring up her slate.【难句解析】my eye is upon you相当于my eye is looking upon you;all of a sudden“突然;order sb. to do sth.“命令某人做某事;
2.I never, never should have got over such a agonizing mortification.
【难句解析】get over的意思是“熬过,克服;