英语作文邀请函格式?邀请信英语作文模板(一): Dear ___,Therewill be a ___(资料)atin ___(地点)on___(时光)。We would be honored to have you there with us。Theoccasion will start at ___(具体时光)。那么,英语作文邀请函格式?一起来了解一下吧。
★高中英语邀请信范文 ★
★笑好英语比赛邀请信碰数铅范文 ★
★英语邀请信写作格式及模板 ★
Dear Professor Wang,
On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of theforthcoming 2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing tobe held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 2004.
You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.
We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from China.
If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance.
Sincerely yours,
Peter White
Dear Professor White,
Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference onParallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 2004.
Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.
I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.
Faithfully yours,
Wang Xuan
Dear Jane,
We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We'll be looking for youat eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don't disappointus!
Warmest regards.
Dear sir/madam:
On [date], we will host an evening of celebration in honor of theretirement of [name], President of [company]. You are cordially invited toattend the celebration at [hotel], [location], on [date] from to p.m.
[name] has been the President of [company] since [year]. During thisperiod, [company] expanded its business from to . Now it's our opportunity tothank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happyretirement. Please join us to say Good-bye to [name].
See you on [date].
Yours sincerely
Dear sir/madam:
We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new[product]. The presentation will take place at [location], at [time] on [date].There will also be a reception at [time]. We hope you and your colleagues willbe able to attend.
[company] is a leading producer of high-quality . As you well know, recenttechnological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public. Our newmodels offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their newfeatures give them distinct advantages over similar products from othermanufacturers.
We look forward to seeing you on [date]. Just call our office at [phonenumber] and we will be glad to secure a place for you.
Sincerely yours,
var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?fff14745aca9358ff875ff9aca1296b3"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();英语作文邀请函格式家乡四川
邀隐闹请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀灶陵罩请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式,亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 , 即一汪稿般的邀请信。
Dear Sir or Madam:
We are very pleased to invite Mr. ****** come to our company for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 30th Oct. 2006 . And because the long business co-operation in future between ****** company. and us, they will come to China for many times. Please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China. All expenses of ******’Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.
高分英拍世语作文1:invitation letter
Dear, I'm glad to write this letter to you. I haven't seen you and your family for a long time. Is everything going well? I am now considering the advantages of BEC, so I am really busy, but I still continue to go to piano lessons.
Many friends there asked me about your conditions. Is it convenient for you? Your family has a party at my house recently. I sincerely look forward to your reply^^.
邀请信英语作文模板(一): Dear ____________,
Therewill be a ____________(资料)atin ____________(地点)on____________(时光)。We would be honored to have you there with us。
Theoccasion will start at ____________(具体时光)。This will be followed by a ____________(进一步的安排)。 Ataround ____________(时光), ____________(另一个安排)。
Ireally hope you can make it。 RSVP before ____________(通知你的最终期限)。
Dear sirmadam:
On [date], we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of [name], President of [pany]。
Dear sir/madam:
On , we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of ,President of . You are cordially invited to attend the celebration at , , onfrom to p.m.
has been the President of since . During this period, expanded its businessfrom to . Now it’s our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplaryleadership and wish him well for a happy retirement. Please join us to sayGood-bye to .
See you on .
Yours sincerely
Dear sir/madam:
We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new[product]. The presentation will take place at [location], at [time] on [date].There will also be a reception at [time]. We hope you and your colleagues willbe able to attend.
[company] is a leading producer of high-quality . As you well know, recenttechnological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public. Our newmodels offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their newfeatures give them distinct advantages over similar products from othermanufacturers.
We look forward to seeing you on [date]. Just call our office at [phonenumber] and we will be glad to secure a place for you.
Sincerely yours,
Dear sir/madam:
On [date], we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirementof [name], President of [company]. You are cordially invited to attend thecelebration at [hotel], [location], on [date] from to p.m.
[name] has been the President of [company] since [year]. During this period,[company] expanded its business from to . Now it's our opportunity to thank himfor his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement.Please join us to say Good-bye to [name].
See you on [date].
Yours sincerely
Dear sir/madam:
I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in[city] on [date].
As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic "" from [time] to [time]. Therewill be an additional minutes for questions.
Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you'll need. Ifyou could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I'll have plenty oftime to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.
Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing fromyou.
Sincerely yours,
Dear sir/madam:
[organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speakat our conference on [topic].
As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many ofour members are interested in the achievements your company has made in .
Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will bereviewed in weeks. I'll call you [date] to see who from your company would bewilling to speak to us. I can assure you that we'll make everything convenientto the speaker.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new[product].
The presentation will take place at [location], at [time] on [date]. Therewill also be a reception at [time]. We hope you and your colleagues will be ableto attend.
[company] is a leading producer of high-quality [product]. As you know,recent technological advances have become increasingly affordable to the public.Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and theirnew features give them distinct advantages over similar products from othermanufacturers.
We look forward to seeing you on [date]. Just call our office at [phonenumber] and we will be glad to secure a place for you.
Sincerely yours,
以上就是英语作文邀请函格式的全部内容,01邀请信 【篇首句】介绍自己,简要说明活动,并邀请对方。1. I'm Wang Ming from YuWen School, the president of the Student Union.我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。