魔芋英语,芋头 英语
中国传统美食英语是Chinese traditional cuisine。
2、锅贴guotie (fried jiaozi)
3、哗卖花卷steamed twisted rolls
4、套餐set meal
5、盒饭box lunch
6、米豆腐rice tofu
7、魔芋豆腐konjak tofu
8、米粉rice noodles
9、冰糖葫芦a stick of sugar-coated haws
10、火知芦衫锅chafing dish / hot pot
11、八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding
12、粉丝glass noodles
13、豆腐脑jellied bean curd
Konjac ,also known as konjak, konjaku, devil's tongue, voodoo lily, snake palm, or elephant yam (though this name is also used for A. paeoniifolius), is a plant of the genus Amorphophallus. It is native to warm subtropical to tropical eastern Asia, from Japan and China south to Indonesia.
It is a perennial plant, growing from a large corm up to 25 cm in diameter. The single leaf is up to 1.3 m across, bipinnate, and divided into numerous leaflets. The flowers are produced on a spathe enclosed by a dark purple spadix up to 55 cm long.
The corm of the konjac is often colloquially referred to as a yam, although it bears no marked relation to tubers of the family Dioscoreaceae.
Konjac is grown in India, China, Japan and Korea for its large starchy corms, used to create a flour and jelly of the same name. It is also used as a vegan substitute for gelatin.
In Japanese cuisine, konnyaku appears in dishes such as oden. It is typically mottled grey and firmer in consistency than most gelatins. It has very little taste; the common variety tastes vaguely like salt. It is valued more for its texture than flavor.
Ito konnyaku is a type of Japanese food consisting of konjac cut into noodle-like strips. It is usually sold in plastic bags with accompanying water. It is often used in sukiyaki and oden. The name literally means "thread-konjac."
Japanese konnyaku jelly is made by mixing konnyaku flour with water and limewater. Hijiki is often added for the characteristic dark color and flavor. Without additives for color, konnyaku is pale white. It is then boiled and cooled to solidify. Konnyaku made in noodle form is called shirataki (see shirataki noodles) and used in foods such as sukiyaki and gyudon.
Konjac is consumed in parts of China's Sichuan province; the corm is called moyu (魔芋, or Devil's Taro), and the jelly is called moyu doufu (魔芋豆腐) or xue moyu (雪魔芋).
The dried corm of the konjac plant contains around 40% glucomannan gum. This polysaccharide makes konjac jelly highly viscous.
Konjac has almost no calories but is very high in fiber. Thus, it is often used as a diet food.
[edit] Fruit jelly
Konjac can also be made into a popular Asian fruit jelly snack, known in the U.S. as konjac candy, usually served in bite-sized plastic cups.
Perhaps due to several highly publicized deaths and near-deaths among children and elderly due to suffocation while eating konjac candy, there were FDA product warnings[1] in 2001 and subsequent recalls in the U.S. and Canada. Unlike gelatine and some other commonly used gelling agents, Konjac fruit jelly does not melt on its own in the mouth. The products that were then on the market formed a gel strong enough such that only chewing, but not tongue pressure or breathing pressure, could disintegrate the gel. The products also had to be sucked out of the miniature cup in which they were served and were small enough such that an inexperienced child could occasionally accidentally inhale them. Konjac fruit jelly was subsequently also banned in the European Union.[2][3][4]
Some konjac jelly snacks now on the market have had their size increased so that they cannot be swallowed whole. The snacks usually have warning labels advising parents to make sure that their children chew the jelly thoroughly before swallowing. Japan's largest manufacturer of konjac snacks, MannanLife, has temporarily stopped production of the jellies after it was revealed that a 21-month old Japanese boy had choked to death on a frozen MannanLife konjac jelly.[5] As of this incident, 17 children and elderly people have died from choking on konjac since 1995.[6]
魔芋葡甘聚糖,也被称为魔芋,魔芋,魔鬼的舌头,巫术百合,蛇棕榈油,或大象山药 ,是一种属植物魔芋。
勿忘我 Forget-me-not
风信子 hyacinyh
鸢尾 iris
矢车菊 cornflower
紫丁大亮香 lilac
康乃馨 caronation
常青藤 Ivy
晚香玉滚岁宽 tuberose
紫荆 chinese redbud
含羞草 esnsitive
芍药 paeony
海芋 Alocasia
迷迭香 rosemary
薰衣草 Lavender
山芋 英语
iris 鸢尾花;蝴派尘蝶花
lily 百合
rhoda (有玫瑰之森纤意)
flower 花此羡仿
narcissus 水仙
orchid 兰花