小学英语短剧 远离蛀牙
Tod: Wow, it's a chocolate cake! It must be delicious!
Mr. Baker: Tod! Put it on the plate, please!
Sam: Oh, you have cavities.
Thomas: Right! Your teeth are rotten.
Mr. Baker: You must pull your bad tooth!
Tod: No! I need to go. I must do my homework now.
Now Tod is at home, he takes out a mirror.
Tod: They are right. I have cavities. But pulling it will hurt a lot.
All Tod's friends come.
Sam: I can't see him. Maybe he is not at home!
Thomas: No, he must be scared. Sam, help me. I want to go to his room through the window.
Tod: I don't want to go out!
Sam: You must pull your bad tooth!
Mr. Baker: Don't worry! It doesn't hurt.
Tod: Don't lie! No, no!
Mr. Baker: OK? Ready?
Mr. Baker: Are you ready?
Partners: OK!
Tod: Help! Help!
Mr. Baker: The tooth is not out yet! We must do it again. Hold him tightly. Ready? Set: go!
Sam: Yeah! We did it!
Thomas: You look much more handsome now!
Tod: But ...