Wait no more.
Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai's long-anticipated epic 'The Grandmaster, ' starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai as the legendary real-life martial-arts master Ip Man, opens this week in China and Hong Kong. The film also stars Zhang Ziyi and Chang Chen.
期待已久的史诗电影《一代宗师》(The Grandmaster)本周在中国内地和香港上映。影片由香港导演王家卫执导,梁朝伟在片中饰演历史上真有的传奇武术大师叶问。除梁朝伟以外,该片主演还有章子怡和张震。
Mr. Wong -- the director of such films as 'Days of Being Wild,' 'Happy Together' and 'In the Mood for Love' -- devoted nearly a decade on preparation for 'The Grandmaster,' which spent almost three years in production. The famously meticulous filmmaker appeared at a press conference with his cast on Sunday night in Beijing, where the film held its world premiere.
王家卫执导过《阿飞正传》(Days of Being Wild)、《春光乍泄》(Happy Together)和《花样年华》(In the Mood for Love)等片。《一代宗师》的筹备用了将近10年时间,制作又花了将近三年的时间。周日夜间,这部电影在北京举行全球首映活动,以一丝不苟的风格闻名的王家卫和演员们一道在北京的一场资讯发布会上亮相。
Mr. Wong said the film, which runs well over two hours, 'could have last four hours, but I deleted a lot of scenes,' according to a report from Agence France-Presse.
据法新社(Agence France-Presse)报道,王家卫说,这部长达两个多小时的电影本来有可能长达四个小时,但他删掉了很多场戏。
The movie, set during China's turbulent political and social period of the 1930s, is in both Mandarin and Cantonese.
International audiences will have to wait a bit longer before getting a first peek. 'The Grandmaster' will open next month's 63rd Berlin International Film Festival, where Mr. Wong is this year's jury president.
国际观众还得再等一段时间才能看到这部电影。《一代宗师》将在下个月作为第63届柏林国际电影节(Berlin International Film Festival)的开幕影片放映。王家卫是这一届评审委员会的主席。
Wait no more.
Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai's long-anticipated epic 'The Grandmaster, ' starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai as the legendary real-life martial-arts master Ip Man, opens this week in China and Hong Kong. The film also stars Zhang Ziyi and Chang Chen.
期待已久的史诗电影《一代宗师》(The Grandmaster)本周在中国内地和香港上映。影片由香港导演王家卫执导,梁朝伟在片中饰演历史上真有的传奇武术大师叶问。除梁朝伟以外,该片主演还有章子怡和张震。
Mr. Wong -- the director of such films as 'Days of Being Wild,' 'Happy Together' and 'In the Mood for Love' -- devoted nearly a decade on preparation for 'The Grandmaster,' which spent almost three years in production. The famously meticulous filmmaker appeared at a press conference with his cast on Sunday night in Beijing, where the film held its world premiere.
王家卫执导过《阿飞正传》(Days of Being Wild)、《春光乍泄》(Happy Together)和《花样年华》(In the Mood for Love)等片。《一代宗师》的筹备用了将近10年时间,制作又花了将近三年的时间。周日夜间,这部电影在北京举行全球首映活动,以一丝不苟的风格闻名的王家卫和演员们一道在北京的一场资讯发布会上亮相。
Mr. Wong said the film, which runs well over two hours, 'could have last four hours, but I deleted a lot of scenes,' according to a report from Agence France-Presse.
据法新社(Agence France-Presse)报道,王家卫说,这部长达两个多小时的电影本来有可能长达四个小时,但他删掉了很多场戏。
The movie, set during China's turbulent political and social period of the 1930s, is in both Mandarin and Cantonese.
International audiences will have to wait a bit longer before getting a first peek. 'The Grandmaster' will open next month's 63rd Berlin International Film Festival, where Mr. Wong is this year's jury president.
国际观众还得再等一段时间才能看到这部电影。《一代宗师》将在下个月作为第63届柏林国际电影节(Berlin International Film Festival)的开幕影片放映。王家卫是这一届评审委员会的主席。