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The stinging rebuke from WPP’s shareholders to Sir Martin Sorrell, its founder and chief executive, marks a turning point in how investors treat company bosses who demand spectacular amounts of money. Or, if not, it should.

WPP股东对该集团创始人、首席执行官苏铭天爵士(Sir Martin Sorrell)发出的尖刻责难,标志着投资者该如何对待要求巨额薪酬的公司老板这一问题迎来了一个转折点。或者,如果事实不是这样的话,从道理上说也应该如此。

The old problem for shareholders was entrenched managers: executives who enjoyed a comfortable life and delivered mediocre returns protected by complacent boards. The solution was to pile on share options, long-term incentive plans and golden parachutes – the panoply of equity-based rewards designed to make chief executives think like investors.


In some ways, the 1990s revolution worked as intended. It opened the market for corporate control – the need for hostile bids faded – and it produced a new generation of well-trained, energetic and highly rewarded executives.


Like Frankenstein’s experiment, it also created a monster.


No offence to Sir Martin, who embodies that generation’s virtues as well as its vice. He founded WPP 27 years ago with a £250,000 loan and has piled up a stake of £140m in his £10bn company by being paid handsomely in shares and cash, and reinvesting in equity.


Yet someone else always appears to be doing better. Sir Martin gazes unhappily across the Atlantic at John Wren, chief executive of Omnicom, who escaped criticism from his US investors despite his $15.4m remuneration last year. Others mutter that they might as well give up and work in private equity, where they could earn real money away from scrutiny.

然而,别人得到的似乎总是比自己多。苏铭天爵士不满的将目光越过大西洋投向宏盟集团(Omnicom)的首席执行官庄任(John Wren),庄任去年获得1540万美元薪酬,却躲过了其美国投资者的批评。其他人抱怨称,他们不妨辞职投身私人股本公司,这样他们赚到的钱就不会受到监督了。

Their refrain is that they must be paid a lot because otherwise they will slack off, fiduciary duty be damned. “If you want a good CEO, you have to pay for it, argued Ivan Glasenberg, chief executive of Glencore, the mining group, last week. Companies that pay less get “caretaker managers.

他们抱怨称,他们必须得到高薪,因为如果不这样的话,他们在工作中会变得消极,受托责任也将注定消弭。矿业集团嘉能可(Glencore)首席执行官伊凡·格拉森伯格(Ivan Glasenberg)最近辩称:“如果你希望得到一位优秀的CEO,你必须为此付出代价。不愿付出高薪的企业得到的将是“看守经理人(caretaker managers)。

This is self-serving: what is the chance that Sir Martin would have left WPP or gone home early on Fridays if he had been paid £3m rather than £6.8m? Zero, I imagine. He values things other than lucre, as everyone does – pride in his creation, pleasure in dealmaking, the public spotlight. He’s only human.


The problem is that every CEO – even one who gains £4.2m in equity dividends each year, as Sir Martin does – wants at least as much as his or her peers as a matter of self-respect. The others in turn demand the same privilege, like an Escher drawing in which everyone ascends an unending staircase.


They were trained into it by the investors who are now unhappy at the result. To incentivise them as shareholders wanted – to “align their interests – they were offered big rewards, much of it in the form of options or long-term equity handouts for outperforming others.


Any chief executive will say this is the market at work – the demand for qualified and experienced CEOs is high and the supply is low. But it is a very strange market: excluding those with the potential to become leaders and including only the incumbents distorts prices.


It has caused the ratcheting up of CEO pay over two decades to the point where millions are the norm and those paid less than tens of millions feel cheated. The median pay of FTSE 100 CEOs rose 10 per cent last year, according to Manifest/MM and K,?the advisory groups.

这导致的结果是,过去20年,CEO的薪资不断提高,达到了这样一种水平:数百万美元属于家常便饭,那些没有得到数千万美元的CEO会觉得自己吃亏了。根据咨询机构Manifest和MM and K的数据,去年,富时100(FTSE 100)成分股企业CEO的薪资中值上涨10%。

Meanwhile, investor returns have been uninspiring – the 10-year total return of the FTSE 100 is 5.5 per cent a year, with WPP at 5.4 per cent. As one investor puts it: “We have suffered pretty dismal returns and we want more performance for the amount we’re paying.


When will the pay ratchet cease? Logically, never. It will keep going until shareholders become seriously diluted by the amount of shares they are handing to chief executives to do their jobs. Sir Martin took a quarter of a century to gain his 1.4 per cent of WPP. This generation will acquire more equity, faster.

薪资上涨的趋势将何时结束?从逻辑上来说,永远不会。薪资将持续上涨,直到股东权益因为他们送给CEO(以尽他们的本分)的股票数量而遭到严重稀释。苏铭天爵士用25年的时间,获得了WPP 1.4%的股份。这一代人获得的股份将更多,速度将更快。

“I thought that was the object of the exercise, to behave like an owner and an entrepreneur and not a bureaucrat, Sir Martin wrote in the FT last week. He is right; it was. But investors should have been careful about what they wished for.


Sir Martin also complained that debate had moved from “payment for performance to what is fair pay, as if politicians have sullied things. There, he is wrong. CEOs’ notions of what is “fair – that they ought to be paid as much as their rivals – led to the rampant inflation of remuneration. If efficiency were the only consideration, the outcome would be different.


As a PwC study of 1,100 executives found this year, most prefer simple, schemes and discount the value of long-term incentive plans – to the point where the amounts must be huge to affect motivation. “We need to consign to the scrapheap the agency model approach to executive pay, based on ‘rational economic man’, it concluded.


Shareholders would get as much value in terms of motivation if everyone at the top were paid half the amount (as they were a few years ago). In economic terms, it would be more efficient – the absolute level of reward common at the top of public companies is becoming an impediment.


It may be logical for individual companies and remuneration committees to cough up multimillion rewards to executives. For public companies as a whole, and investors, it brings poor returns.


“If you reduce my remuneration, then I’ll leave and work in private equity, or in the US, or in China or Brazil, every chief executive would protest. “Fair enough. Do so, should be the shareholders’ response. Some would indeed leave, freeing up places for the executives jostling one level below them, and others would find that money isn’t everything and stay where they are.


That would be a free market.


The stinging rebuke from WPP’s shareholders to Sir Martin Sorrell, its founder and chief executive, marks a turning point in how investors treat company bosses who demand spectacular amounts of money. Or, if not, it should.

WPP股东对该集团创始人、首席执行官苏铭天爵士(Sir Martin Sorrell)发出的尖刻责难,标志着投资者该如何对待要求巨额薪酬的公司老板这一问题迎来了一个转折点。或者,如果事实不是这样的话,从道理上说也应该如此。

The old problem for shareholders was entrenched managers: executives who enjoyed a comfortable life and delivered mediocre returns protected by complacent boards. The solution was to pile on share options, long-term incentive plans and golden parachutes – the panoply of equity-based rewards designed to make chief executives think like investors.


In some ways, the 1990s revolution worked as intended. It opened the market for corporate control – the need for hostile bids faded – and it produced a new generation of well-trained, energetic and highly rewarded executives.


Like Frankenstein’s experiment, it also created a monster.


No offence to Sir Martin, who embodies that generation’s virtues as well as its vice. He founded WPP 27 years ago with a £250,000 loan and has piled up a stake of £140m in his £10bn company by being paid handsomely in shares and cash, and reinvesting in equity.


Yet someone else always appears to be doing better. Sir Martin gazes unhappily across the Atlantic at John Wren, chief executive of Omnicom, who escaped criticism from his US investors despite his $15.4m remuneration last year. Others mutter that they might as well give up and work in private equity, where they could earn real money away from scrutiny.

然而,别人得到的似乎总是比自己多。苏铭天爵士不满的将目光越过大西洋投向宏盟集团(Omnicom)的首席执行官庄任(John Wren),庄任去年获得1540万美元薪酬,却躲过了其美国投资者的批评。其他人抱怨称,他们不妨辞职投身私人股本公司,这样他们赚到的钱就不会受到监督了。

Their refrain is that they must be paid a lot because otherwise they will slack off, fiduciary duty be damned. “If you want a good CEO, you have to pay for it, argued Ivan Glasenberg, chief executive of Glencore, the mining group, last week. Companies that pay less get “caretaker managers.

他们抱怨称,他们必须得到高薪,因为如果不这样的话,他们在工作中会变得消极,受托责任也将注定消弭。矿业集团嘉能可(Glencore)首席执行官伊凡·格拉森伯格(Ivan Glasenberg)最近辩称:“如果你希望得到一位优秀的CEO,你必须为此付出代价。不愿付出高薪的企业得到的将是“看守经理人(caretaker managers)。

This is self-serving: what is the chance that Sir Martin would have left WPP or gone home early on Fridays if he had been paid £3m rather than £6.8m? Zero, I imagine. He values things other than lucre, as everyone does – pride in his creation, pleasure in dealmaking, the public spotlight. He’s only human.


The problem is that every CEO – even one who gains £4.2m in equity dividends each year, as Sir Martin does – wants at least as much as his or her peers as a matter of self-respect. The others in turn demand the same privilege, like an Escher drawing in which everyone ascends an unending staircase.


They were trained into it by the investors who are now unhappy at the result. To incentivise them as shareholders wanted – to “align their interests – they were offered big rewards, much of it in the form of options or long-term equity handouts for outperforming others.


Any chief executive will say this is the market at work – the demand for qualified and experienced CEOs is high and the supply is low. But it is a very strange market: excluding those with the potential to become leaders and including only the incumbents distorts prices.


It has caused the ratcheting up of CEO pay over two decades to the point where millions are the norm and those paid less than tens of millions feel cheated. The median pay of FTSE 100 CEOs rose 10 per cent last year, according to Manifest/MM and K,?the advisory groups.

这导致的结果是,过去20年,CEO的薪资不断提高,达到了这样一种水平:数百万美元属于家常便饭,那些没有得到数千万美元的CEO会觉得自己吃亏了。根据咨询机构Manifest和MM and K的数据,去年,富时100(FTSE 100)成分股企业CEO的薪资中值上涨10%。

Meanwhile, investor returns have been uninspiring – the 10-year total return of the FTSE 100 is 5.5 per cent a year, with WPP at 5.4 per cent. As one investor puts it: “We have suffered pretty dismal returns and we want more performance for the amount we’re paying.


When will the pay ratchet cease? Logically, never. It will keep going until shareholders become seriously diluted by the amount of shares they are handing to chief executives to do their jobs. Sir Martin took a quarter of a century to gain his 1.4 per cent of WPP. This generation will acquire more equity, faster.

薪资上涨的趋势将何时结束?从逻辑上来说,永远不会。薪资将持续上涨,直到股东权益因为他们送给CEO(以尽他们的本分)的股票数量而遭到严重稀释。苏铭天爵士用25年的时间,获得了WPP 1.4%的股份。这一代人获得的股份将更多,速度将更快。

“I thought that was the object of the exercise, to behave like an owner and an entrepreneur and not a bureaucrat, Sir Martin wrote in the FT last week. He is right; it was. But investors should have been careful about what they wished for.


Sir Martin also complained that debate had moved from “payment for performance to what is fair pay, as if politicians have sullied things. There, he is wrong. CEOs’ notions of what is “fair – that they ought to be paid as much as their rivals – led to the rampant inflation of remuneration. If efficiency were the only consideration, the outcome would be different.


As a PwC study of 1,100 executives found this year, most prefer simple, schemes and discount the value of long-term incentive plans – to the point where the amounts must be huge to affect motivation. “We need to consign to the scrapheap the agency model approach to executive pay, based on ‘rational economic man’, it concluded.


Shareholders would get as much value in terms of motivation if everyone at the top were paid half the amount (as they were a few years ago). In economic terms, it would be more efficient – the absolute level of reward common at the top of public companies is becoming an impediment.


It may be logical for individual companies and remuneration committees to cough up multimillion rewards to executives. For public companies as a whole, and investors, it brings poor returns.


“If you reduce my remuneration, then I’ll leave and work in private equity, or in the US, or in China or Brazil, every chief executive would protest. “Fair enough. Do so, should be the shareholders’ response. Some would indeed leave, freeing up places for the executives jostling one level below them, and others would find that money isn’t everything and stay where they are.


That would be a free market.


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