By 2007, John Root, HSBC’s head of Latin America compliance, appeared to be fed up.
到2007年,汇丰银行(HSBC)拉美合规部门主管约翰·卢特(John Root)似乎已经受够了。
Britain’s biggest bank was nearly five years into its 2002 purchase of Grupo Financiero Bital, a Mexican lender that HSBC had acknowledged internally was lacking a compliance department at the time of its acquisition.
这家英国最大银行于2002年收购了墨西哥银行Grupo Financiero Bital,汇丰在内部承认,在并购之时,该墨西哥银行没有合规部门。
On July 17 of that year, Mr Root told his counterpart in Mexico that his team “needs some cojones, and must act.
“I am quite concerned that the [anti-money laundering] committee is not functioning properly. Alarmed, even. I am close to picking up the phone to your CEO, Mr Root wrote in an email to Ramon Garcia Gibson, head of compliance for HSBC’s Mexico unit.
卢特在写给汇丰墨西哥分行合规部门主管拉曼·加西亚·吉布森(Ramon Garcia Gibson)的邮件中称:“我非常担心,(反洗钱)委员会没有正常发挥作用。这简直叫人害怕。我差点就打电话给你们的CEO了。
Such efforts by HSBC to change the unit’s culture proved insufficient.
The problem, according to US -Senate investigators, is that the bank’s business interests were trumping its compliance obligations.
The British lender faces the threat of fines that analysts estimate could reach $1bn or more after multiyear probes by the US justice department, Treasury department, and the -Manhattan district attorney into allegations that it may have inadvertently been used by money launderers and terrorist financiers.
Mexico, home to cocaine cartels and rampant money laundering, was -proving a compliance nightmare for HSBC in 2007.
US regulators were keeping an eye on the bank, which a few years earlier had been cited for deficient anti-money laundering (AML) policies.
In his email, made public in a report by the Senate permanent subcommittee on Monday, Mr Root accused Mr Garcia Gibson of “rubber-stamping unacceptable risks.
He and his colleagues should take a “firmer stand; the bank risked being fined for its lax compliance.
“Please note that you can dress up the $10m to be paid?.?.?.?to the US authorities as an ‘economic penalty’ if you wish but a fine is a fine is a fine, and a hefty one at that, Mr Root wrote.
“What is this, the School of Low Expectations Banking? (‘We didn’t go to jail! We merely signed a settlement with the Feds for $10m!’)
“We have seen this movie before, and it ends badly, Mr Root warned.
The warnings may have been eventually heeded, but not soon enough. Senate investigators claim HSBC ignored warnings of possibly improper activities from internal compliance officers, law enforcement officials and regulators; flouted rules designed to enforce existing US sanctions; and waived anti-money laundering requirements for wealthy clients.
The findings and allegations in the Senate report are said by people familiar with the matter to mirror those discovered by US authorities.
HSBC has not publicly denied the allegations.
The Senate panel spent years -probing HSBC as part of its examination of the US financial system’s vulnerability to the laundering of narcotics proceeds and terrorist financing.
The bank has not been formally accused of a crime in connection with the most recent investigations.
But many of the allegations in the Senate report closely resemble those that led other banks to reach settlements worth hundreds of millions of dollars with US authorities.
For example, this year ING, the Dutch banking group, agreed to pay a penalty of $619m in a deferred prosecution agreement to settle accusations that it had violated US sanctions by helping -Iranian and Cuban companies move billions of dollars through the US financial system.
This week, senate investigators claimed HSBC stripped details from transactions that would have identified Iranian entities – which may have put the bank in breach of US -sanctions against Iran – a similar accusation to that levelled against ING.
HSBC allegedly coached one Iranian bank on how to avoid setting off alarms at HSBC when routing transactions through the British lender.
Again, in 2010, the US bank Wachovia entered into a deferred criminal prosecution agreement with the justice department for allegedly allowing cocaine cartels to launder proceeds through the bank.
In court filings, Wachovia, now absorbed by Wells Fargo “accepted and acknowledged responsibility for money-laundering violations.
如今被富国银行(Wells Fargo)收购的美联银行在法庭文件中,对一些洗钱的违规行为“接受并承认责任。
This week, senate investigators claimed, HSBC moved billions of dollars in cash from its affiliate in Mexico to the US, more than any other Mexican bank, despite concerns raised by the authorities that such sums could only involve proceeds from illegal narcotics, Senate investigators allege.
In 2010, Leopoldo Barroso, head of anti-money laundering at HSBC’s Mexico unit, told the chief compliance officer there were allegations that as much as 70 per cent of laundered proceeds in Mexico went through the bank, according to the executive’s notes. He told his London counterpart “it was only a matter of time before the bank faced criminal sanctions.
根据高管笔记,2010年,汇丰墨西哥分行反洗钱部门主管雷奥波尔多·巴罗索(Leopoldo Barroso)告诉该银行首席合规官,有传言说墨西哥70%的洗钱活动通过汇丰进行。他告诉在伦敦的合规主管,“面临刑事制裁只是早晚的事。
A top official at HSBC’s regulator in the US, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, noted to a colleague in a July 2010 email that the HSBC probe “has the makings of potentially being a major criminal case.
美国监管机构——美国货币监理署(Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)的一名高官在2010年7月的一封电邮中向一位同事提到,针对汇丰的调查“很有可能变成一宗重大刑事案件。
The bank has apologised and pledged to clean up its act. Stuart Levey, a former top antiterrorism -official at the US Treasury and now HSBC’s chief legal officer, appeared to endorse a US legislative proposal that would force lenders to obtain more ownership details of bank accounts.
汇丰已经表示道歉,并承诺整改。美国财政部前反恐高官、汇丰现任首席法务官斯图亚特·利维(Stuart Levey)似乎支持美国的一项立法提案,该提案将要求银行获得有关银行账户所有人的更多细节。
The lender also has instituted a compliance regime that forces compliance officers around the world to report to the chief officer in London.
HSBC’s head of compliance, David Bagley, told lawmakers on Tuesday that he did not manage or control the compliance departments at HSBC affiliates throughout the world. His job was to set policy and to escalate issues that were reported to him.
汇丰合规主管大卫·贝格利(David Bagley)告诉国会议员,他没有管理或控制汇丰全球各个分行的合规部门。他的工作是制定政策以及将报告给他的问题升级扩大。
The bank has sacked executives and hired compliance officers. Mr Bagley told lawmakers he would resign and take another position at HSBC. Sandy Flockhart, who led HSBC’s Mexican unit from acquisition until 2006, is to retire at the end of the month.
汇丰解雇了一些高管,并聘用了合规官。贝格利告诉国会议员,他将卸任,在汇丰另任他职。从汇丰在墨西哥进行收购后到2006年一直领导汇丰墨西哥分行的霍嘉治(Sandy Flockhart)将在本月底退任。
That may not be enough. Lawmakers chided HSBC for making similar promises and taking similar actions in the past, only to be found again to have possibly broken US rules.
Twice in the past 10 years HSBC has been cited by US bank regulators for deficient anti-money laundering policies and ordered to take corrective action.
In 2010, HSBC was criticised by the Senate investigators for giving an Angolan bank “ready access to the US financial system despite the African bank’s allegedly poor anti-money laundering controls.
Carl Levin, head of the Senate investigative panel, said authorities should consider revoking HSBC’s US banking licence if it failed to clean up its act. Past penalties were too light and the bank apparently did not get the message, Mr Levin said.
参议院调查委员会主席卡尔·利文(Carl Levin)表示,如果汇丰未能整改,当局应考虑吊销汇丰在美国的银行牌照。他指出,过去的惩罚过轻,该银行显然没有从中汲取教训。
Losing access to the US financial system would probably be devastating for HSBC.
“The recent commitments are welcome, Mr Levin said. “Apologies and commitments to improve are also welcome. But accountability for past conduct is essential. And that’s what’s been missing here.
By 2007, John Root, HSBC’s head of Latin America compliance, appeared to be fed up.
到2007年,汇丰银行(HSBC)拉美合规部门主管约翰·卢特(John Root)似乎已经受够了。
Britain’s biggest bank was nearly five years into its 2002 purchase of Grupo Financiero Bital, a Mexican lender that HSBC had acknowledged internally was lacking a compliance department at the time of its acquisition.
这家英国最大银行于2002年收购了墨西哥银行Grupo Financiero Bital,汇丰在内部承认,在并购之时,该墨西哥银行没有合规部门。
On July 17 of that year, Mr Root told his counterpart in Mexico that his team “needs some cojones, and must act.
“I am quite concerned that the [anti-money laundering] committee is not functioning properly. Alarmed, even. I am close to picking up the phone to your CEO, Mr Root wrote in an email to Ramon Garcia Gibson, head of compliance for HSBC’s Mexico unit.
卢特在写给汇丰墨西哥分行合规部门主管拉曼·加西亚·吉布森(Ramon Garcia Gibson)的邮件中称:“我非常担心,(反洗钱)委员会没有正常发挥作用。这简直叫人害怕。我差点就打电话给你们的CEO了。
Such efforts by HSBC to change the unit’s culture proved insufficient.
The problem, according to US -Senate investigators, is that the bank’s business interests were trumping its compliance obligations.
The British lender faces the threat of fines that analysts estimate could reach $1bn or more after multiyear probes by the US justice department, Treasury department, and the -Manhattan district attorney into allegations that it may have inadvertently been used by money launderers and terrorist financiers.
Mexico, home to cocaine cartels and rampant money laundering, was -proving a compliance nightmare for HSBC in 2007.
US regulators were keeping an eye on the bank, which a few years earlier had been cited for deficient anti-money laundering (AML) policies.
In his email, made public in a report by the Senate permanent subcommittee on Monday, Mr Root accused Mr Garcia Gibson of “rubber-stamping unacceptable risks.
He and his colleagues should take a “firmer stand; the bank risked being fined for its lax compliance.
“Please note that you can dress up the $10m to be paid?.?.?.?to the US authorities as an ‘economic penalty’ if you wish but a fine is a fine is a fine, and a hefty one at that, Mr Root wrote.
“What is this, the School of Low Expectations Banking? (‘We didn’t go to jail! We merely signed a settlement with the Feds for $10m!’)
“We have seen this movie before, and it ends badly, Mr Root warned.
The warnings may have been eventually heeded, but not soon enough. Senate investigators claim HSBC ignored warnings of possibly improper activities from internal compliance officers, law enforcement officials and regulators; flouted rules designed to enforce existing US sanctions; and waived anti-money laundering requirements for wealthy clients.
The findings and allegations in the Senate report are said by people familiar with the matter to mirror those discovered by US authorities.
HSBC has not publicly denied the allegations.
The Senate panel spent years -probing HSBC as part of its examination of the US financial system’s vulnerability to the laundering of narcotics proceeds and terrorist financing.
The bank has not been formally accused of a crime in connection with the most recent investigations.
But many of the allegations in the Senate report closely resemble those that led other banks to reach settlements worth hundreds of millions of dollars with US authorities.
For example, this year ING, the Dutch banking group, agreed to pay a penalty of $619m in a deferred prosecution agreement to settle accusations that it had violated US sanctions by helping -Iranian and Cuban companies move billions of dollars through the US financial system.
This week, senate investigators claimed HSBC stripped details from transactions that would have identified Iranian entities – which may have put the bank in breach of US -sanctions against Iran – a similar accusation to that levelled against ING.
HSBC allegedly coached one Iranian bank on how to avoid setting off alarms at HSBC when routing transactions through the British lender.
Again, in 2010, the US bank Wachovia entered into a deferred criminal prosecution agreement with the justice department for allegedly allowing cocaine cartels to launder proceeds through the bank.
In court filings, Wachovia, now absorbed by Wells Fargo “accepted and acknowledged responsibility for money-laundering violations.
如今被富国银行(Wells Fargo)收购的美联银行在法庭文件中,对一些洗钱的违规行为“接受并承认责任。
This week, senate investigators claimed, HSBC moved billions of dollars in cash from its affiliate in Mexico to the US, more than any other Mexican bank, despite concerns raised by the authorities that such sums could only involve proceeds from illegal narcotics, Senate investigators allege.
In 2010, Leopoldo Barroso, head of anti-money laundering at HSBC’s Mexico unit, told the chief compliance officer there were allegations that as much as 70 per cent of laundered proceeds in Mexico went through the bank, according to the executive’s notes. He told his London counterpart “it was only a matter of time before the bank faced criminal sanctions.
根据高管笔记,2010年,汇丰墨西哥分行反洗钱部门主管雷奥波尔多·巴罗索(Leopoldo Barroso)告诉该银行首席合规官,有传言说墨西哥70%的洗钱活动通过汇丰进行。他告诉在伦敦的合规主管,“面临刑事制裁只是早晚的事。
A top official at HSBC’s regulator in the US, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, noted to a colleague in a July 2010 email that the HSBC probe “has the makings of potentially being a major criminal case.
美国监管机构——美国货币监理署(Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)的一名高官在2010年7月的一封电邮中向一位同事提到,针对汇丰的调查“很有可能变成一宗重大刑事案件。
The bank has apologised and pledged to clean up its act. Stuart Levey, a former top antiterrorism -official at the US Treasury and now HSBC’s chief legal officer, appeared to endorse a US legislative proposal that would force lenders to obtain more ownership details of bank accounts.
汇丰已经表示道歉,并承诺整改。美国财政部前反恐高官、汇丰现任首席法务官斯图亚特·利维(Stuart Levey)似乎支持美国的一项立法提案,该提案将要求银行获得有关银行账户所有人的更多细节。
The lender also has instituted a compliance regime that forces compliance officers around the world to report to the chief officer in London.
HSBC’s head of compliance, David Bagley, told lawmakers on Tuesday that he did not manage or control the compliance departments at HSBC affiliates throughout the world. His job was to set policy and to escalate issues that were reported to him.
汇丰合规主管大卫·贝格利(David Bagley)告诉国会议员,他没有管理或控制汇丰全球各个分行的合规部门。他的工作是制定政策以及将报告给他的问题升级扩大。
The bank has sacked executives and hired compliance officers. Mr Bagley told lawmakers he would resign and take another position at HSBC. Sandy Flockhart, who led HSBC’s Mexican unit from acquisition until 2006, is to retire at the end of the month.
汇丰解雇了一些高管,并聘用了合规官。贝格利告诉国会议员,他将卸任,在汇丰另任他职。从汇丰在墨西哥进行收购后到2006年一直领导汇丰墨西哥分行的霍嘉治(Sandy Flockhart)将在本月底退任。
That may not be enough. Lawmakers chided HSBC for making similar promises and taking similar actions in the past, only to be found again to have possibly broken US rules.
Twice in the past 10 years HSBC has been cited by US bank regulators for deficient anti-money laundering policies and ordered to take corrective action.
In 2010, HSBC was criticised by the Senate investigators for giving an Angolan bank “ready access to the US financial system despite the African bank’s allegedly poor anti-money laundering controls.
Carl Levin, head of the Senate investigative panel, said authorities should consider revoking HSBC’s US banking licence if it failed to clean up its act. Past penalties were too light and the bank apparently did not get the message, Mr Levin said.
参议院调查委员会主席卡尔·利文(Carl Levin)表示,如果汇丰未能整改,当局应考虑吊销汇丰在美国的银行牌照。他指出,过去的惩罚过轻,该银行显然没有从中汲取教训。
Losing access to the US financial system would probably be devastating for HSBC.
“The recent commitments are welcome, Mr Levin said. “Apologies and commitments to improve are also welcome. But accountability for past conduct is essential. And that’s what’s been missing here.