澳洲,昆士兰大学,口语,task 2:clothes you like to wear, task 3: why do young people like to follow fasion? can people tell their personlities from what clothes they wear? 其他忘记了
澳洲,昆士兰大学,口语,task 2:clothes you like to wear,预测上有 task 3: why do young people like to follow fasion? can people tell their personlities from what clothes they wear? 其他忘记了,考官人很好,我讲完后,她还会帮我总结,比我自己总结的好一百倍。
合肥 201 第一场,p1 hometown p2positive change in life 考官语速微快,不是特别清楚,做好心理准备。