名师指导远离蹩脚英语之Saying Greetings
Polite greetings are among the most basic,yet essential, forms of communication in any language. In some areas itscommon for people to greet even strangers as they pass on the street. Knowinghow to use causual greetings, and how to respond to them, opens the door tofriendly conversation。
A simple hello is often said with of thefollowing greetings:
Hi: the most common, casual way to sayhello
Hey: slang greeting, orginally a regionalexpression from the South but now widely used. Hey is a general word to start asentence, to get someones attention, and as a response to many differentstatements and situations. Tone and intonation often reveal the meaning of theword。
Hi there: casual variations of Hior Hey。
After intial Hi! peoplegenerally ask How are you? or they use one of the following casualexpressions :
Possible Reply
How are youdoing? Prettygood. How are you?
Hows itgoin? Great, Howbout you?
Hows things? Things are good, thanks. What about you?
How arethings? Not bad. And you?
The expressions in the following list mean Whatare you doing? or Whats happening here? But often theyre used as aform of Hello! or general greeting. They are usually answered with anegative expression like Not much or Nothing much. In casualsituationas, and particularly with young people, these greetings can simplymean Hi. Typical responses are shown to the right of the expression。
Possible Reply
Whatsup? Not much. Whats up with you?
Sup? Hey。
Whatsnew? Nothing much, and you?
What are you upto? Nottoo much. How bout you?
Whatshappening? Nothing really. What are you doing?
Whats going on? Justhanging out。
In addition to the typical responses of Notmuch and Nothing much, people sometimes answer these greetings with Sameold thing or Same old same old, generally meaning that life is thesame and nothing new is happening。
Polite greetings are among the most basic,yet essential, forms of communication in any language. In some areas itscommon for people to greet even strangers as they pass on the street. Knowinghow to use causual greetings, and how to respond to them, opens the door tofriendly conversation。
A simple hello is often said with of thefollowing greetings:
Hi: the most common, casual way to sayhello
Hey: slang greeting, orginally a regionalexpression from the South but now widely used. Hey is a general word to start asentence, to get someones attention, and as a response to many differentstatements and situations. Tone and intonation often reveal the meaning of theword。
Hi there: casual variations of Hior Hey。
After intial Hi! peoplegenerally ask How are you? or they use one of the following casualexpressions :
Possible Reply
How are youdoing? Prettygood. How are you?
Hows itgoin? Great, Howbout you?
Hows things? Things are good, thanks. What about you?
How arethings? Not bad. And you?
The expressions in the following list mean Whatare you doing? or Whats happening here? But often theyre used as aform of Hello! or general greeting. They are usually answered with anegative expression like Not much or Nothing much. In casualsituationas, and particularly with young people, these greetings can simplymean Hi. Typical responses are shown to the right of the expression。
Possible Reply
Whatsup? Not much. Whats up with you?
Sup? Hey。
Whatsnew? Nothing much, and you?
What are you upto? Nottoo much. How bout you?
Whatshappening? Nothing really. What are you doing?
Whats going on? Justhanging out。
In addition to the typical responses of Notmuch and Nothing much, people sometimes answer these greetings with Sameold thing or Same old same old, generally meaning that life is thesame and nothing new is happening。