Exciting race
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exciting race
The fristday of theyear was the New Years Day.Its a popular and happy holiday.Our school had a big race,there were three race in this race,there were tug-of-war,rope skipping and running race.Itsvery exciting.There were twenty children join this race in our class,they were got very excited.I join the all race,so Im very tired.Our class chalk up good results,because we weredo bester than other class.We were very happy!
The first day of theyear isthe New Years Day. It isa popular and happy holiday. Our school hold an excitingsports meeting, including three events:tug-of-war, rope skipping and running race. I joined all the events so that I was tired out when the game was over. As a result, our class won good records because no other class do better than us. We are very delighted and satisfied!
刘晓伟,(查看刘晓伟老师介绍 课堂实拍) 毕业于兰州大学。提倡心态方法知识的处世哲学,主张全力以赴地学习,有的放矢地考试。对付考试一定要用最直接、最有效的方法,不 断 修炼技巧的同时加强自身的实力。在北京多所培训机构担任过英语教师,从事教学,教研,教材编写等工作,教学经验丰富。获得优秀教师称号,全国青少年英语科 技大赛考官,与他人合著《高考英语状元宝典》。