今天你到广州的一家超市购物,遇见一群英国游客,在交谈中他们谈到明天想去广州动物园参观,向你打听该园的门票价格和开放时间。请你根据下面表格中的内容向他们作个介绍,并顺便提醒他们一些你认为参观时应注意的事项。(词数:不少于80个。给出的首句不计入总词数)(注:成人 adult )
内容要点: 1.成人票价80元一张。 2.儿童票价:高于1.20米的40元一张;低于则免费。 3.周一至周五,上午9点至下午4点开放。 4.周六、周日,上午8点至下午5点半开放。 5.一些你认为参观时应注意的事项。
Guangzhou Zoo is the largest one in our city. The ticket for an adult is 80 yuan. The children over 1.20 m in height can pay only half of it, and the ones under 1.20 m can enter the zoo for free. The zoo opens from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays and from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm on weekends. By the way, while visiting the zoo, you d better not feed the animals with the food you take. And don t get too close to or even touch the animals. That would be very dangerous . Please keep the zoo clean as well . Wish you a good time!