【作曲 : Ari Leff/Mike Elizondo/Michael Pollack/Jonathan Simpson/Michael Matosic 作词 : Ari Leff/Mike Elizondo/Michael Pollack/Jonathan
【作曲 : Stephen Foster 作词 : Stephen FosterI come from AlabamaWith my banjo on my kneeI'm going to Louisiana,My true love for to seeOh
【作词 : Craig Balmoris 作曲 : Craig Balmoris I pop the pain I slide the pain the pain away I pop the pain away I slide the pain away I
【Alec Benjamin - Death of a HeroI was in Pittsburgh when I saw a Superman in the backroomHe was doing lines or something in the bat
【Leonard Cohen - It's TornWritten by:Leonard CohenComposed by: Adam Cohen、Sharon RobinsonI see you in windows that open so wideTher
【作曲 : Ari Leff/Mike Elizondo/Michael Pollack/Jonathan Simpson/Michael Matosic 作词 : Ari Leff/Mike Elizondo/Michael Pollack/Jonathan
【暴君剑理叶隐暴君 - 剑理作词:戴敬纬作曲:戴敬纬、林祈安、叶濬诚编曲:戴敬纬制作人:林祈安制作公司:暴君 Bloody TyrantOn the battlefield with a blunted bladeBut my servile heart is
【ProtectingAgainstPoverty ConditionsintheLateNineteenthCentury. Inthegreatcitiesofthenineteenthcenturyslumdwellerscrowdedintofoul
【Passage2 IntheUnitedStates,itisnot11totelephonesomeoneveryearlyinthemorning.Ifyoutelephonehimearlyintheday,whileheisshavingorhavi
【Thefurthestdistanceintheworld Isnotbetweenlifeanddeath ButwhenIstandinfrontofyou Yetyoudontknowthat Iloveyou Thefurthestdista
【Lil Wayne - MessBecause my days is a messMy nights is a mess my life is a messMy life is a mess of happinessLust sex obsession des
【Areprofessionalsuccessandafulfillingpersonallifemutuallyexclusive? Probablynot,althoughitismoredifficulttodaytoachieveboth. Unde
【Softly, just break it to me softlyBe straight with me but gentlyTender before you kill mePow powCalmly, I don't freak out in publi
【作曲 : KINA 作词 : KINAYou gave me a shoulder when I needed itYou showed me love when I wasn't feeling itYou helped me fight when I wa
【translator:ruthhung;tedbarham;guang-yulifromoxforduniversity inseparable,inlifeordeath. whereveryourdreamshaverested, believeth
【WrittenByAntoinedeSaiot-Exupery Preface ToLeonWerth asktheindulgenceofthechildrenwhomayreadthisbookfordedicatingittoagrown-up.I